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Topics: Science
Who Says We Can’t Play In the Genetic Sandbox?
Who gets to say what the human race can and can’t do when it comes to tinkering with the planet?
Mark Carver
Imago Hominis
How sick would our society be when people actually prefer the company of soulless, factory-made machines to living, breathing people knit in the womb by God’s hands?
Mark Carver
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 11: Consciousness
Consciousness is unique. It’s more than just a product of brain function–its origin is a mystery which makes more sense if we’re willing to talk about God.
Travis Perry
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 10: Life
Life coming from non-life on its own is a staple of science fiction. But is so unlikely in the real world that even recent advances in science are a long way from explaining it.
Travis Perry
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 9: Boltzmann Brain Matrix
The multiverse + anthropic principle blows itself up. It doesn’t give us the universe we see, because starting with randomness leads to Bolztmann brains, to a self-generated Matrix.
Travis Perry
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 8: Multiverse
The multiverse, though fodder for great speculative fiction stories, is based on a desire to explain wild improbabilities seen in the formation of the universe that should lead a person to realize there must be a Creator.
Travis Perry
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 7: The “Darks”
Dark matter, dark energy, and dark flow are three terms applied to unknown or mysterious elements of the cosmos. These “darks” reveal that scientists prefer explanations that fall in line with preconceived paradigms than explanations that don’t.
Travis Perry
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 6
Many people believe dark matter exists, though we’ve never directly detected it. Belief in God makes even more sense.
Travis Perry
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 5: How God Stopped Being the Creator
The history of science is supposed to show how the idea of God makes less and less sense. But it doesn’t.
Travis Perry
The Metaphysics of Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War
Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War isn’t preachy about any particular worldview, but still reflects a near-ubiquitous belief in a self-generating universe, a universe with no God in control.
Travis Perry
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 4: The Half-Hill of Particle Physics
Did the universe generate itself? Particle physics increasingly implies it didn’t–the particles that make up the universe seem quite “unnatural.”
Travis Perry
The Car-Universe Without A Motor, part 3: The Post-Big Bang Entropy Mountain
Even if you grant that the universe generated matter and the laws of physics from nothing, there are still mountains of massive improbabilities to climb.
Travis Perry
Stephen Hawking’s Death: One Christian’s Reaction
Stephen Hawking’s public atheism grew during his lifetime, but we can hope he knew the God he often wrote about.
Travis Perry
What’s a Body to Do?
Just how important is an intact body?
Mark Carver
What Aliens Teach Us About God, part 6: Aliens as Substitute for Knowing God
Human beings may long for fellowship with intelligent aliens, yet truly need relationship with the transcendent God.
Travis Perry
Down With the Sickness
The biggest threat to human existence rarely gets news coverage: it’s not North Korea, global warming, or white privilege; it’s disease.
Mark Carver
An Empty Shell
Man’s best efforts to perfect the body will ultimately burn away with the rest of the fallen world, and God will restore everything to greater glory and harmony than anything man could ever devise.
Mark Carver
Is Secular Fiction Better Than Christian Fiction?
“Bad Christian fiction made me switch to secular fiction.” But both markets can be restrictive.
E. Stephen Burnett
The Foolishness Of God
1 Corinthians 1:25: “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength” (NIV).
Mark Carver