1. Kirsty says:

    I think the Lamb Among the Stars books by Chris Walley are a bit like that. Although they are scifi/fantasy end times books which portray (although don’t push) a specific theology, I think the main things that come across are themes such as obedience and grace, which apply to us all – now or 12,000 years in the future.

  2. an Amish teenage girl deals with issues like faith and rebellion and obedience, all while the world outside her sheltered community is being ravaged by a mysterious vampire infestation.

    Called it. Three years previous:

    As a Christian, convinced capitalist, and aspiring author, I’m sure there’s a way to cash in on the strange saturation in Christian fiction of both Amish and vampires. The answer? Amish vampires.

    That could be the title. It cuts to the chase pretty well: Amish Vampires. No vagueness would be necessary. And to underscore the subtle theme, the cover illustration could be one of those little black Amish bonnets, lying in a field, and the little strings that tie the bonnet to the neck would be stained with bright red blood.

    And the back-cover summary:

    “Run! Zechariah, run!”

    They are in your neighborhood. They are in your cornfields. They may even have taken over your buggy. Lights keep mysteriously coming on — and you are not even supposed to have lights.

    Don’t go near the barn. They are feeding beyond your cows and now crave even human flesh, the lifeblood of the simple. Long thought a legend, a terrible threat has now awaken as The Blood-Suckers of Lancaster County live again. Now the residents of this quiet community cannot even go outside their homes to make phone calls. They will find you. They will take you. Beware!

  3. I’d LOVE to win a copy of Fathom.

    What books have you read recently that you were able to identify with the main character? How do you think that author was able to make that character more real?

    Tough questions. I just finished a book with an assassin as the protag–didn’t particularly connect with her. And before that it was a princess who was glad she wouldn’t be the next queen. She lived for fun and games. Not so easy to connect with her. Then there were Kit and Mina from The Spirit Well. They actually are contemporary characters experiencing something akin to time travel, but I don’t know that you’d say I identified with either of them. I like Kit because I see him growing and changing in a positive way. Mina has been admirable from early on in the series.

    I could go through a couple others, but I think the character I most identified with is the protag in Angel Eyes. How did the author make her seem real? I think it was in showing the full gamut of emotions–guilt, fear, hope, brokenness–and her willingness to move forward. She had experienced a great tragedy, but didn’t stand pat. She didn’t wallow in her grief but moved through it. But that’s just a guess. I’m still trying to figure out what makes readers connect with a character. 😉

    I think you have my email addy, so I won’t leave it here.


  4. Galadriel says:

    I’d love to win this book. My email is veritas6913 AT gmail DOT com
    The problem I have is when the fantasy is only a disguise for real life issues. It seems like cheating. 

  5. I haven’t been reading a lot lately, but I do know that the last character I really identified with was Angel from Kat Heckenbach’s Finding Angel. She’s artsy and struggles with belonging, which is something I struggled with as a teen. 

    Great question Merrie! I’d love to win a copy of your book. My email is skribblegurl at gmail dot com. 🙂

  6. Leanna says:

    Not a recent read but Much-Afraid from Hinds Feet on High Places.
    I identify on some level or another with most well-written characters (through shared: values, beliefs, experiences, humour, etc.) but reading Hinds Feet on High Places the first time was such a strange experience for me. It was like reading a biography of myself. 
    Posting stuff to Canada often sucks but I would be more than happy with a Kindle copy of the book. 😀 (It’s on my wishlist) My email addy is with gmail and is leanna.circle

  7. Joanna says:

    Interestingly, a book with a character I could identify with that I’ve read recently was Hunger Games. For all her weaknesses and downfalls, Katniss is understandable and relatable. While I might have disagreed with some choices she made, I can understand her choices and feel what she went through.

  8. Kessie says:

    Well, I just finished a preview  copy of Bid the Gods Arise, and I identified with both heroes, Aric and Maurin. Maurin a little more, because of his strong moral fiber and his weakness for the beautiful but mute alien girl. Their relationship was one of the sweetest things in the whole book.
    And you’re right about having to have “real” things in our fantasy books. It’s that quote up there in the top bar somewhere, about how we want to read about love and work and everything else in our day to day lives, but with dragons. And it’s true. When I find a book with all of the above, I’ll devour it. That’s one of the things that makes Robin Hobb so devastating for me. Her characters are normal people who also happen to either have awesome powers, or are in contact with supernatural things. At the same time they bicker with their families, have good (or bad) relationships, their pets die, worry about clothes and transportation, and have basic morality. (Sleeping around is frowned upon! Gsap!)
    If a fantasy world has a basic sense of morality, that makes it resonate with me. I can really get into it because it feels real. Lots of fantasy worlds don’t, though *coughMercedesLackeycough* and I always feel disconnected from those kind. I can’t understand a world where the rules don’t apply. Might as well make the water run dry and the sun shine cold.
    Also, I’ll sign up for the giveaway, if it’s not too late! netraptor001 at hotmail dot com. 🙂

  9. Aaron Smith says:

    I’ve been wanting to read Merrie Destefanom for a while now. I might just have to push Fathom to the top of the “to buy/read” stack.

    As of late, I havn’t been reading fiction. However, a character I do identify is Peter bishop from “Fringe”. No spoilers  but I understand his decent/reaction in the current season.

    Dang, I need to start reading fiction again… ASAP!

What do you think?