1. Really nice post. Great book cover for A Cast of Stones, too.

  2. I agree with Tessa–the cover art of A Cast of Stone is beautiful! I’d never quite thought of writing as “stealing faces” before, but I had a writer steal my name, so why not faces. 😉

    Your point is well made–the very act of creating–what C. S. Lewis termed sub-creating–is an evidence of God’s creative work, though I’m fairly certain that an atheist wouldn’t see it that way. But it does beg the point–where does the impulse to create come from, if not from the One who made us in His likeness?

    It’s similar to the question, where did we get a moral sense of right and wrong? Or to this one: where did we get the notion to worship? Or how about, Where did we get the capacity to love? There are simply are too many of these human uniquenesses  that only make sense if we understand our origin as creatures fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of He who made it all.

    Thanks for this thoughtful post, Patrick. I’m eagerly looking forward to reading A Cast of Stones.


  3. Great thoughts. God, in creation, always amazes me, especially when He creates through us. I’m nominating Speculative Faith for a Liebster Award. Check out the details on http://thechristiannaturalist.blogspot.com

  4. Great thoughts. God, in creation, always amazes me, especially when He creates through us.
    I’m nominating Speculative Faith for a Liebster Award. Check out the details on http://thechristiannaturalist.blogspot.com

  5. […] excellent series “Fiction Christians From Another Planet” — Patrick Carr’s guest post about writers using real people as models for their characters – and Rebecca LuElla Miller’s […]

  6. Just today I found this note in a Spec-Faith task list:

    23. SF: Look up Patrick Carr, author of unpublished A Cast of Stones

    Unpublished no longer! 😀

What do you think?