It’s Here! Get Lorehaven Magazine’s Fantastical Fall 2019 Issue

In Lorehaven magazine’s free fall 2019 issue, we explore Enclave Publishing and review sixteen new Christian fantastical novels.
on Oct 22, 2019 · 4 comments

Lorehaven magazine’s new fall 2019 issue just landed.

Now more than ever, it’s full of amazing stories for Christian fans.

Inside this issue:

  • We explore Enclave Publishing’s out-of-this-world stories: creative fantasy grounded in coherent theology.
  • Space opera star Ronie Kendig launches Brand of Light.
  • Fantasy dancer Sharon Hinck steps into Hidden Current.
  • Plus twelve more reviews of great new Christian sci-fi and fantasy novels.
  • Fanservants: get excited about God, and beware the unique tempting power of YA’s sensuality.

Read a complete preview of the issue. Or go read the issue right now (PDF included) using your password.

Don’t have your password? Get it by subscribing to Lorehaven absolutely free. You can also order print copies!

Lorehaven, fall 2019

Order a print copy of Lorehaven’s fall 2019 issue for $5. We explore how Enclave Publishing grounds creative fantasy in coherent theology. We interview Enclave novelists Ronie Kendig, Sharon Hinck, and Chawna Schroeder. And we review more than fourteen great Christian-made fantastical novels.

Lorehaven serves Christian fans by finding biblical truth in fantastic stories. Book clubs, free webzines, and a web-based community offer flash reviews, articles, and news about Christian fantasy, science fiction, and other fantastical genres. Magazine print copies are available by request and at special events.

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, a science-fiction adventure, launches in 2025 from Enclave Publishing.
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    • Autumn, use the password included with the email sent today to announce the new issue, and included in your original subscription email. If you can’t find that, email and we’ll get that sent back over to you. (Apparently the system doesn’t allow re-sending of the welcome email. The system shall be dealt with.)

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