1. Great article, Parker! That is a brilliant episode concept. Makes me want to watch it badly, hah!
    I’m all for imagination, but I have a feeling Peele’s intent was not to point to God, but away. That rhetoric about imagination and facing all of reality, not searching for the x at the end, is true, but can also be used to promote a worldview of no absolutes, where all of morality is decided by groupthink (which, as we know, is ironic, to say the least–but happens to be the narrative of our current mob culture).
    It’s nice seeing a Twilight Zone with diversity. Peele being at the helm makes it feel more natural and less forced. I was a big fan of Rod Serling, and Peele is a talented writer taking his place.

    • Hi Brennan,
      Thank you for reading my contribution. I agree with you. Peele’s intent was not to point to God. Time and space did not permit me to go deeper into it. A lot of what is spoken is New Age thought. Also, it’s funny how a title makes a difference. The original title to this post was What Jordan’s Peele’s TAKE on the Twilight Zone teaches us abut God and Imagination. To conserve space it had to be updated. Which is totally fine.
      Also, the diversity element was nice as well. The majority of the show does fall within the frame work identity politics which may turn off some Christian viewers who tend to have knee-jerk reaction. When I watched it, I was thinking about how we’re in the Twilight Zone. And mind you, I LOVED seeing Rod Serling at the end. I mean, this the guy who used the Twilight Zone to show us his thoughts about our world being upended by extraordinary things. Mr. Serling was traumatized by the events of World War 2 and writing became his balm. The Twilight Zone is a result of that.
      However, imagination is this world can only go so far, which, at the end, shows us how limited it is. Jesus’ is going to reveal and show us things we can’t even begin to imagine.

      • E. Stephen Burnett says:

        I’m curious at a practical level how the show “resurrected” Serling? Animation, most likely?

        • Yes. Computer animation. Also, I think they took his face from the old shows and animated it. They also had a body double and someone who impersonated his voice. They did a great job of it, too.

  2. Autumn Grayson says:

    Sounds very interesting. And it’s sort of fascinating to consider how each generation might reboot a series to fit with current technology, social issues, stylistic choices, etc.

    Your post is a good example of how important stories are. At the very least, they are excellent for getting around personal and external barriers. Like, I’m not very active on social media for a variety of reasons, like the fact that it’s kinda toxic(Specfaith is one of the few places I actively post). I’ve always had trouble with social interaction and articulating my beliefs on things. Although I still work on articulating myself well in real life, I’ve learned that in a lot of cases it’s better just to show people, rather than tell them. Or if we tell them, we should wait for the right moments when certain words are going to sink in the most. Writing seems like one of the best ways to articulate things and show people, that way they can actually see and experience the truth with the characters. Everyone has their own social issues to specialize in, and their own ways of addressing those issues. But everyone has something important to add, even if it’s just one piece of information or insight. Two important issues for me have been redemption, and how to thrive even in a completely hostile society. Something like that can have important bearing how how people learn to face and break through prejudice.

    Social media posts are still good, if that’s how people express themselves. But often enough a story, or even discussions of stories(like your post) can be more enduring and hit a little deeper. It sounds like this new Twilight Zone has done that for you 🙂

    • Hi Autumn,
      Thank you for responding. Stories build bridges and are the universal language if you will. How many of us have been somewhere, making coffee, picking up groceries, at the bank, what have you and you hear someone say, “You won’t believe what happened.” We instinctively listen even if we turn away the next moment or drown it out.
      Not me! I’m all ears.
      But with Twilight Zone, it wasn’t that it’s pointing to Jesus or anything like that. Hardly. But it made me think we’re in the Twilight zone, immersed in various stories, looking for a way out. You aren’t missing a thing with social media. Stay away. Stay away!

  3. RD Palmer says:

    A fantastic analysis by Parker J. Cole where she clearly outlines the shadow that is cast from The Twilight Zone series to imagination and God.
    For we stand between the worlds of chaos and harmony, to have knowledge of good and evil. In this, God gave humans imagination to create and destroy. It is the dichotomy of grace and sin that is in front of everyone.
    We can all rejoice by the series showcasing minorities because they are like us, and we are like them. In true Twilight Zone fashion, there is more here than meets the eye. While on one level we may see differences of race or gender, veiled underneath is what makes us all identical: the soul.
    What captures the soul of the audience is fear, love, and hope. And while our imagination may fear the show’s metaphor of a Boogyman or the Blurryman, the shadow is cast for the fear of death. From 1 Corinthians 15, we read: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?”
    And yet, as the clock ticks, so too do our lives. We shall all, at some point, meet the maker of time. To wake up from the Twilight Zone, we must open the door of God’s imagination: Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

  4. John D. Martin says:

    Thanks. I thought Get Out was brilliant and but had some trepidation about his helming this fourth iteration of TZ simply because rebooting the series had been tried before with mixed results. Your review encourages me to watch Peele’s work with the material. Thanks.

  5. Abigail Falanga says:

    Wow! This is a fascinating analysis – and a great pleasure to read. I haven’t watched the new Twilight Zone, and have only seen a few episodes of the old one. But as a writer, I appreciate it as a show that goes a little beyond. And I love how this article goes far beyond even that!

What do you think?