1. Julie D says:

    Interesting. I haven’t thought of that much.

  2. notleia says:

    [Much tangenting within]
    On the flip side, thankfulness is one of those things that are better off welling naturally rather than being mandated. It’s one of those things that can be used to dismiss people and/or “keep them in their place.” Like slaves being told to be happy that they have masters who give them the bare minimum of food, clothing, and shelter and don’t beat them often. That thing about Sam Gamgee being happy to be Frodo’s gardener had me wondering if anybody had done a Marxist reading of LOTR, because there are distinct marks of classism in it (not to mention racism and sexism, but there are other vantage points for those). Which I guess is to be expected, since medieval Europe and Middle Earth carry a lot in common.
    And then I started started on a long, long tangent about George MacDonald and classism (he was a man of his Victorian time), but then I deleted it and figured I probably just need to write some reviews on MacDonald’s work where I parse through all the Victorianisms and their conflation with virtue and/or religion. That might be too academic for submission to this site, but maybe that’s a sign that I need to start my own inconsistently updated blog of reviews among all the thousands of other inconsistently updated blogs of reviews on the Internet.

    • Continued from earlier comment:

      About Sam Gamgee being happy as a gardener, I’ll admit, it gets my hackles up when someone suggests that no one could be happy “just being a gardener.” We have discredited manual labor so much in our day, I think it’s shameful. God made us to work, and in fact, before sin entered the world, He gave Adam the job of being a gardener.

      If you remember the last book of Tolkien’s trilogy, it was Sam who saved the Shire by using the gift Galadriel had given him to re-grow all the trees that Saruman and his minions had destroyed. It’s a high calling, as high as any other, and I dare say Tolkien would have viewed it as considerably higher than a good many desk jobs our current culture esteems.

      But about deleting your thoughts on George MacDonald, notleia, pleas don’t feel like you have to censor yourself on our behalf. If you write something more scholarly than most comments, we aren’t going to take away your Spec Faith visitors card. 😉 And I don’t think anyone is sitting back rating comments. (This one’s got the humor of comic books–an 8.2. This one’s run of the mill–5.0.) Seriously, I hope you always feel free to share your thoughts.


    • bainespal says:

      That might be too academic for submission to this site, but maybe that’s a sign that I need to start my own inconsistently updated blog of reviews among all the thousands of other inconsistently updated blogs of reviews on the Internet.

      Go for it. I’d read about Victorian classism in the context of George MacDonald.

      Reviewing/criticizing stuff is frustrating, because you are never able to express all the thoughts you had on the piece the way you wanted to, and it always takes longer than it feels like it should. And it’s usually pretty thankless. Still, it feels good to have said something real about a work, and to have contributed to the Internet’s junkyard. 😉

  3. No question, notleia, that a thankful heart cannot be mandated. I’ve never thought that’s what Thanksgiving was. Never heard of slaves being told they had to be thankful for what their masters gave them, though I don’t doubt that could have happened. Rather, as I read about the history of Thanksgiving Day, it seemed to grow from all these local communities holding a day of thanks celebration in a rather chaotic manner–some years having one, some years not, never on the same day or at the same time as a neighboring community. I think as the nation began to form a more cohesive national identity, the push began for a national day. President Lincoln saw it as a way of bringing unity, and established the national day right in the middle of the Civil War.

    To be continued

  4. HG Ferguson says:

    Ah, dear Sam. Happy with his own little garden, not a garden “swollen to a realm. His own hands to use, not the hands of others to command.” Thanks for reminding us of these truths, to be, like Paul, autarkes — “content” — not allowing anything to get between us and our Maker. The essence of sin is, after all, to hanker after “more” and no matter how we can get “it” — thank you so much for turning our hearts back to God’s Truth!

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