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Speculative Faith Writers

Since 2006, many authors have served on Speculative Faith’s volunteer staff. We’ve also hosted hundreds of notable guest writers.

SpecFaith volunteer staff | SpecFaith guest writers

SpecFaith volunteer staff

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of Lorehaven.com and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, a science-fiction adventure, launches in 2025 from Enclave Publishing.
R. J. Anderson is a preacher’s daughter, women’s Bible teacher, and the author of ten traditionally published fantasy novels for children and teens. Her fantasy novel Torch, book 3 of The Flight and Flame Trilogy series (Enclave Escape, February 2021).
As content manager for attractions at Answers in Genesis, Tim Chaffey oversees research and writing of content used to develop and explain the many exhibits at both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. Chaffey joined Answers in Genesis in 2010 after serving many years as both a pastor and a science and Bible teacher.
Anthony G. Cirilla is an assistant professor of English at College of the Ozarks, where he teaches about British literature, J. R. R. Tolkien and fiction writing. He lives with his beloved wife Camarie in Branson, Missouri.
Parker J. Cole is an author, speaker, and radio show host with a fanatical obsession with the Lord, Star Trek, K-dramas, anime, romance books, old movies, speculative fiction, and knitting. An off-and-on Mountain Dew and marshmallows addict, she writes to fill the void the sugar left behind. To follow her on social media, visit her website at ParkerJCole.com.
Mike Duran is a novelist, artist, and freelance writer. Mike writes fiction and non-fiction. He is the author of The Ghost Box (Blue Crescent Press, 2014), which was selected by Publishers Weekly as one of the best indie novels of 2015 and first in a paranoir series that continues with Saint Death (2016), and The Third Golem (2020). He's the author of Christians and Conspiracy Theories (2023) and Christian Horror (2015) His short stories, essays, and commentary have appeared in Relief Journal, Cemetery Gates Media, The Gospel Coalition, Relevant Online, Bewildering Stories, Rue Morgue, Zombies magazine, Breakpoint, and other print and digital outlets. Mike is interested in religion, science, conspiracism, media, books and monsters. You can learn more about Mike Duran, his writing projects, cultural commentary, philosophical musings, and arcane interests, at MikeDuran.com.
By day, Austin Gunderson is a media production professional; by night a reader and writer of fantasy, and is the former Lorehaven review chief. He resides in Utah with the wife of his youth and two children.
Kaci is the co-author of Lunatic and Elyon with New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker. She's also substitute teacher with a little editing and tutoring sprinkled in for grins. She lurks on Facebook, Twitter, a blog she dubbed Life in the Veil Betwixt the Realms, where she continues to explore the threshold between reality and fiction and everything in between.
Story matters. As the balder half of the Miller Brothers writing duo, Christopher is convinced that his receding hairline is actually a solar panel for brilliant thought. While the science behind this phenomenon is sketchy (at best) one thing is undeniable – his mind is a veritable greenhouse of crazy story ideas. Oh, he's also the co-author of three award-winning youth fiction novels (The Miller Brothers) and newly released novel based on a video game and a pair of children's books. Their books are written for kids and adults who aren't afraid of adventure. His hobbies include dating his wife, raising three children and providing for his family through copywriting, web design and launching a free to read platform for novelists called BookJolt.com. One day, Chris and his brother hope to delve deeply into the realm of interactive fiction.
John W. Otte leads a double life. By day, he’s a Lutheran minister, husband, and father of two. He graduated from Concordia University in St. Paul, Minnesota, with a theatre major, and then from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. By night, he writes unusual stories of geeky grace. He lives in Blue Springs, Missouri, with his wife and two boys. Keep up with him at JohnWOtte.com.
Travis Perry is a hard-core Bible user, history, science, and foreign language geek, hard science fiction and epic fantasy fan, publishes multiple genres of speculative fiction at Bear Publications, is an Army Reserve officer with five combat zone deployments. He also once cosplayed as dark matter.
Stuart Vaughn Stockton is the author of the award winning science fiction novel, Starfire. His exploration into world creation began in Jr. High, when he drew a dinosaur riding a pogo-stick. From there characters, creatures and languages blossomed into the worlds of Galactic Lore, the mythos in which Starfire is set. He lives in the beautiful town of Colorado Springs with his wife and fellow author, Tiffany Amber Stockton. Together they have two incredible children who bring new adventures every day.
Amy Timco is a Christian, wife, and homeschool mom with an abiding love of literature. You can connect with her at LibraryThing.
Fred was born in Tacoma, Washington, but spent most of his formative years in California, where his parents pastored a couple of small churches. He graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1983, and spent 24 years in the Air Force as a bomber navigator, flight-test navigator, and military educator. He retired from the Air Force in 2007, and now works as a government contractor in eastern Kansas, providing computer simulation support for Army training.Fred has been married for 25 years to the girl who should have been his high school sweetheart, and has three kids, three dogs, and a mortgage. When he's not writing or reading, he enjoys running, hiking, birdwatching, stargazing, and playing around with computers.Writing has always been a big part of his life, but he kept it mostly private until a few years ago, when it occurred to him that if he was ever going to get published, he needed to get serious about it. Since then, he's written more than twenty short stories that have been published in a variety of print and online magazines, and a novel, The Muse, that debuted in November 2009 from Splashdown Books, which was a finalist for the 2010 American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award for book of the year in the speculative genre. Speculative fiction is his first love, but he writes the occasional bit of non-fiction or poetry, just to keep things interesting.

SpecFaith guest writers

Gillian Bronte Adams is the sword-wielding, horse-riding, wander-loving fantasy author of The Songkeeper Chronicles. She is rarely found without coffee in hand and rumored to pack books before clothes when she hits the road. She loves to connect with fellow readers and wanderers on her website, Instagram, and Facebook page.
Scott Appleton is a freelance writer living in southeast Connecticut. He is the author of The Sword of the Dragon series, Neverqueen, and the anthology By Sword By Right. In his spare time he enjoys reading and spending time with his beautiful wife and children. Visit his blog, website, and Facebook page.
Anna M. Aquino is a woman of God, wife, and ninja mom of two daughters. As a writer and guest minister, her passion is to encourage others to fulfill their own destinies. Often referred to as a preacher and a comedian rolled into one, she believes laughter is one of the best ways to get people to think. She is the author of many works including Cursing the Church or Helping It, Confessions of a Ninja Mom, An Ember In Time, and Marriage In Time. She has been interviewed on places such as TBN, TCT, The Gospel Channel, and many radio shows. She has also written articles for well-known sources like Charisma, Ministry Today and the UK’s Keep The Faith Magazine. An Ember In Time recently won an award for Redemptive Fiction, and A Marriage In Time won for Spirit-Filled Fiction.
Brett Armstrong has been exploring other worlds as a writer since age nine. Years later, he still writes, but now invites others along on his excursions. He's shown others hauntingly sorrowful historical fiction (Destitutio Quod Remissio), scary-real dystopian sci-fi (Day Moon), and dark, sweeping epic fantasy (Quest of Fire - April 2019). Where he heads next is as much a discovery for him as readers. Through dark, despair, light, joy, and everything in between, the end is always meant to leave his fellow literary explorers with hope. If you’d like to join him in his journeys, he signposts of his travel on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and brettarmstrong.net.
An award-winning preacher and Bible teacher, Zachary Bartels serves as pastor of Judson Baptist Church in Lansing, Michigan, where he lives with his wife Erin and their son. He holds degrees from Cornerstone University and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. Zachary enjoys film, fine cigars, stimulating conversation, gourmet coffee, reading, writing, and cycling. His debut novel, Playing Saint, has been called an "intrigue-filled thriller" (Library Journal) and "a page-turner from the very beginning . . . gripping and realistic" (RT Book Reviews). His followup, The Last Con (HarperCollins Christian Fiction) "will leave readers stunned" (RT Book Reviews). You can find more information about Zachary (as well as follow his blog, Twitter, and Facebook) at www.zacharybartels.com.
Wayne Thomas Batson (born 1968 in Seabrook, Maryland) is an American writer. He has been married to his wife for seventeen years and has four children. Mr. Batson is also a middle school teacher of twenty years experience and continues to teach reading at Folly Quarter Middle School. In 2005 - 2006, Batson wrote The Door Within Trilogy, published by Tommy Nelson, a division of Thomas Nelson Publishing House. Between 2007-2008, he wrote two pirate adventures novels: Isle of Swords and Isle of Fire. After 2008, Mr. Batson coauthored with Christopher Hopper The Berinfell Prophecies: Curse of the Spider King and Venom and Song. His most ambitious work is a seven-volume epic fantasy series called The Dark Sea Annals. Watch his blog at Enter The Door Within.
Laura VanArendonk Baugh is an award-winning author who writes in fantasy (epic, urban, and historical), mystery, non-fiction, and too much else. She lives in Indiana with her husband, dogs, and an emergency prepper stash of dark chocolate. She enjoys travel, hiking, and making her imaginary friends fight for her cruel amusement. Find her and get some free stuff at LauraVAB.com.
Ashley Hodges Bazer is the author of Asylum: The Circeae Tales, released August 2012. She lives on the eastern plains of Colorado with her pastor husband and the three best kids in the world. She earned her BA in theatre (stage management) from Arizona State University. Even though she has worked for highly esteemed employers such as Disney and Focus on the Family, being a mom is the best job she has had. She hopes that people will discover the love of God through her unconventional stories. Learn more about Ashley and her upcoming books at www.AshleyBazer.com.
Kathy Berklund-Page is author of The Caves of Fire. She was born in the United States, which—as her Canadian husband loves to point out—is not her fault. They live in Montreal, Canada. Her work has appeared in Christianity Today and The Globe and Mail. The Caves of Fire won best YA in the Canadian Word Guild writing competition
Chuck Black, a former F-16 fighter pilot and tactical communications engineer, is the best-selling, award-winning author of The Kingdom Series and The Knights of Arrethtrae series. He has received praise from parents across the country for his unique approach to telling biblical truths. His passion in life is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to love his wife, Andrea, and their six children. He lives with his family in North Dakota.
Nadine Brandes is an adventurer, fusing authentic faith with bold imagination. She writes stories about brave living, finding purpose, and other worlds soaked in imagination. Her debut dystopian novel, A Time to Die, released fall 2014 from Enclave Publishing. When Nadine's not taste-testing a new chai or editing fantasy novels, she is out pursuing adventures. She currently lives in Idaho with her husband. Follow Nadine on her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. Sign up to receive hernewsletter.
Tony Breeden is from West Virginia, home of the Mothman, the Flatwoods Monster and Gray Barker, who likely invented the Men in Black. He's been an avid sci-fi/fantasy/steampunk/monster/comic book fan all his life. His wonderful wife and four adventurous boys share his geek fandom, but not his all-consuming thirst for robust coffee. His first book, Johnny Came Home, was published September 2012. You can find out more about his books at TonyBreedenBooks.com and on Facebook.
Grace Bridges is a geyser hunter, cat herder, professional editor, translator of German and French, and current president of SpecFic.NZ and GeyserCon.NZ. She has edited and co-edited a number of short story collections including Avenir Eclectia, Aquasynthesis, Aquasynthesis Again, high school student collections Alter Ego and Timegate to Tomorrow, and New Zealand speculative showcase Te Kōrero Ahi Ka: To Speak of the Home Fires Burning. Visit www.gracebridges.kiwi to read Earthcore: Initiation for free, no strings attached.
Allen Brokken has been working in information technology for twenty-five years and has consulted with major corporations globally on future state technology strategies. He and his wife are veteran homeschoolers of their three children. Together they operate Towers of Light Christian resources that produced the middle-grade novel Still Small Voice which focuses on helping children see the importance of listening to their conscience in decisions big and small.
Whether she's wielding a fantasy writer's pen, a freelance editor's sword, or a social media wand, Ralene Burke always has her head in some dreamer's world. She has worked for a variety of groups, including Realm Makers, The Christian PEN, Kentucky Christian Writers Conference, and as an editor for several freelance clients. Her first novel, Bellanok, is available on Amazon. When her head's not in the publishing world, she is wife to a veteran and homeschooling mama to their three kids.
Firstborn of four siblings, Lacy Burnett began discovering the benefits of communication and humor from an early age. Tempered to graceful maturity by God's work in her life, she is now also a master of diplomacy. Lacy has been involved in a range of creative work including her time in a flower shop, instructing ballet, molding the future of America through her child/parent outreach, and occasionally writing critical book reviews for Speculative Faith. In her free time she designs terrariums, reads books, pulls her sisters down out of their trees, and seeks out ways to shed a little more light on the beauty that surrounds her.
Morgan L. Busse is passionate about authentic Christianity and shares from her own life her fears and triumphs as a follower of Jesus Christ. The wife of a pastor and a mother to four children, she has plenty of adventures to draw from. Morgan blogs at In Darkness There Is Light. She also writes speculative fiction and in April released her debut book, Daughter of Light, with Marcher Lord Press.
Raquel Byrnes writes across several genres including YA Steampunk, Fantasy, and Gothic Mystery. Critically acclaimed for her edge-of-your-seat stories with complex characters and heart pounding thrills, she is always looking for another adventure in which to partake. When she's not writing she can be seen geeking out over sci-fi movies, reading anything she can get her hands on, and having arguments about the television series Firefly in coffee shops. She lives in Southern California with her husband, six kids, and various reptiles.
Aviya Carmen grew up as a huge fan of martial arts stories and Christian Andersen’s fairy tales. At a young age she started writing stories and in high school she took up poetry writing. She studied biomedical engineering in University for ten years. The White Forest, book 1 of the Legend of Prince Ayron series, is her debut novel. It was inspired by her hikes on the Grouse mountains in Vancouver, Canada, and the breathtaking scenery of Scotland. Her hobbies include hiking, visiting castles, learning about ancient cultures, and tackling new languages.
Patrick W. Carr is the author of the acclaimed fantasy series The Darkwater Saga and The Staff and the Sword. A Cast of Stones won the 2014 Carol Award for Speculative Fiction and the 2014 Clive Staples Award. The Shock of Night won the 2016 INSPY Award for Speculative Fiction. Patrick teaches high school math and makes his home in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife, Mary, and their four sons. Learn more at PatrickWCarr.com.
Mark Carver writes dark, edgy books that tackle tough spiritual issues. He is currently working on his ninth novel. Besides writing, Mark is passionate about art, tattoos, bluegrass music, and medieval architecture. After spending more than eight years in China, he now lives with his wife and three children in Atlanta, GA. You can find Mark online at MarkCarverBooks.com and at Markcarverbooks on Facebook.
Travis Chapman lives a full life as a submariner, an author, an engineer, an off-shore sailor, a hiker, a husband, and a follower of Jesus. He has a passion for men's hearts, initiation, and identity. You can find more writing at his website and Facebook page.
Katie Clark started reading fantastical stories in grade school and her love for books never died. Today she reads in all genres; her only requirement is an awesome story! She writes young adult speculative fiction, including her romantic fantasy novel, The Rejected Princess as well as a supernatural survival series which includes Shadowed Eden (book 1) and Whispering Tower (book 2), which releases in May 2019. She also has a dystopian trilogy, the Enslaved series. You can connect with her at her website, as well as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
Christa Conklin is the author of the young adult fantasy novel Tranquility, several articles, and two short stories: "Moontail" and "Kat, the Jailer, and Jack." She is the home educator of her two children and teaches piano and woodwinds at a local music school. She received the 2016 Cascade Award for Unpublished Speculative Fiction.
Azalea Dabill writes medieval fantasy, young-adult fiction, and just fantasy, as well as non-fiction like Fantastic Journey: The Soul of Speculative Fiction and Fantasy Adventure. Her books are currently available on Amazon, if you’d like to follow her as an author. God’s truth in life and fiction draws her like a lodestone, and she is a member of Candlelight Christian Fellowship located in beautiful Coeurdalene, Idaho. She enjoys books, writing adventures, and hiking the wild.
C. J. Darlington’s love of reading began when she was a kid dragging home bags of books from the library. When she was twelve she started dreaming about becoming a published author. That dream came true when her first novel won a national writing contest. It became the first book in the Thicker than Blood series. She has also written Jupiter Winds and Jupiter Storm, the first and second books in the Jupiter Winds series. Her children's fantasy Alison Henry and the Creatures of Torone has also been well received. C. J. lives in Pennsylvania with her whippets, two tabby cats, and a Paint mare named Sky.
Novelist Merrie Destefano writes dark stories with a thread of hope. She’s the former editor of Victorian Homes magazine, Zombies magazine, and Haunted: Mysteries and Legends magazine. Her work has been published by HarperCollins, Entangled Teen, and Walter Foster Publishing. Her novels include Valiant, Shade, Lost Girls, Fathom, Afterlife, and Feast. Her co-authored how-to-draw art books include How To Draw Vampires, How To Draw Zombies, How To Draw Grimm’s Dark Tales, and How To Draw Magical, Monstrous, & Mythological Creatures. For more information, visit her website at www.merriedestefano.com.
Athol Dickson is a novelist, teacher, and independent publisher. His novels transcend description with a literary style that blends magical realism, suspense, and a strong sense of spirituality. Critics have favorably compared his work to such diverse authors as Octavia Butler (Publisher's Weekly), Hermann Hesse (The New York Journal of Books) and Flannery O'Connor (The New York Times). One of his novels, River Rising, is an Audie Award winner, and three have won Christy Awards. His most recent novel, The Opposite Of Art, is a mystical story about pride, passion, and murder as a spiritual pursuit. Athol's next release will be a "Christy award collection” of his four best selling novels, updated and with new forewords. Each of the novels was a Christy finalist. Athol lives with his wife in southern California. Please visit his website at www.AtholDickson.com, and like his Facebook fan page.
Shannon Dittemore has an overactive imagination and a passion for truth. Her lifelong journey to combine the two is responsible for a stint at Portland Bible College, performances with local theater companies, and a focus on youth and young adult ministry. The daughter of one preacher and the wife of another, she spends her days imagining things unseen and chasing her two children around their home in Northern California. Angel Eyes is her first novel.
Jill Domschot is a writer consumed with ideas. Although these ideas often spawn absurd and/or dark and twisted stories, they also spawn romance, levity, and goofiness. She is currently the author of three books: a metaphysical tale about a woman, a man, a dragon, and a child, Anna and the Dragon; a collection of fantasy, sci fi, and magical realist shorts, The Jaybird’s Nest and other Stories; and an absurdist story about men and androids, The Minäverse. She has two up and coming books: a Roswell alien story, Order of the PenTriagon, and an Albuquerque cyberpunk with breakdancing, Breaking Lo Malo. She lives in New Mexico with her husband, children, and puppy.
Bio: Daley Downing is an autistic adult, stay at home parent to special needs children, and cat whisperer. She spends her days wrangling her charges, and attempting to write more than she did the day before. Since early 2017, she has been immersed in crafting her YA fantasy series, The Order of the Twelve Tribes, the most recent release (Volume 3: Healers and Warriors) arriving in June 2018. All her titles are available from Barnes & Noble. You can visit her at DaleyDowning.Wordpress.com, and at Goodreads.
Jes Drew has created several novel series: Ninja and Hunter, Howling Twenty, Kristian Clark, Mind of Darkness, and Castaways. She lives with her large family. All profit from her latest Kristian Clark release, Ruptured Reality (and other stories) goes to Human Coalition. Find her on Blogspot, Goodreads, Wattpad, Amazon, and Pinterest.
Randall Allen Dunn writes action thrillers that read like blockbuster movies, which include The Red Rider saga, the High Adventure series, Den, and the upcoming Island of Myste series. He was raised on a steady diet of Batman, James Bond, Indiana Jones, Star Trek, and The Twilight Zone. You can find his books online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble, and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads, and YouTube, and follow his Packing Action blog at RandallAllenDunn.com.
Br. Benedict Dyar wrote The Flame of Telbyrin and is a solemnly professed Benedictine monk of St. Bernard Abbey in Cullman, Alabama. He studied history at Athens State University in Alabama and teaches monks in formation monastic history. He also loves baking and currently serves the monastery as head baker.
Brock D. Eastman is 28 years old and lives at the base of America's Mountain with his wife and two daughters. He has the pleasure of working for Focus on the Family and on the Adventures in Odyssey brand. He loves movie nights with his wife and their homemade popcorn, as well as playing pretend or reading with his daughters. Brock started writing his first series, The Quest for Truth, in 2005 and 5 years later with his wife's encouragement signed a publishing deal. Two months later he signed to write the Sages of Darkness trilogy, and a month after that to write one of the new Imagination Station series books about David and Goliath. He's always thinking of his next story and totes a thumb-drive full of ideas. To keep track of what Brock is working on visit his web site. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, and YouTube.
Heather M. Elliott is a radio scriptwriter who lives in upstate New York. As a child, she fell in love with history, film and television, and old time radio dramas. Since 2010, she has written and sold over forty-five radio drama scripts, nearly all adapted from the public domain. She was a contributing editor for Worlds of Weinbaum, available through Bear Publications. Her debut novel The Fourth Prince: Inheritance, the first book in that series, is nearing completion with tentative publication in 2021.
Paeter Frandsen created Christian Geek Central and Spirit Blade Productions. He produces entertainment and resources, and volunteers at his Arizona church.
Lindsay A. Franklin is a best-selling author, freelance editor, and homeschooling mom of three. She would wear pajama pants all the time if it were socially acceptable. Lindsay lives in her native San Diego with her scruffy-looking nerf-herder husband, their precious geeklings, three demanding thunder pillows (a.k.a. cats), and a stuffed marsupial named Wombatman. Lindsay's debut novel, The Story Peddler, won the 2019 Realm Awards for Young Adult, the readers' choice Alliance Award, and Book of the Year.
Alton L. Gansky is the author of 23 novels and 7 nonfiction works, as well as principle writer of 7 novels and 2 nonfiction books. He has been a Christy Award finalist (A Ship Possessed), an Angel Award winner (Terminal Justice), and a 2012 Carol Award-winner for Fallen Angel. He holds a BA and MA in biblical studies and was recently grant a Doctor of Literature. He lives in central California with his wife. Gansky is in frequent demand at writer's conferences having taught and keynoted in California, Arizona, New Mexico, North Carolina, Delaware, Washington, and Canada. He is the director of the premier writers conference: Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers.
Brian Godawa is an award-winning Hollywood screenwriter (To End All Wars), a controversial movie and culture blogger (www.Godawa.com), an internationally known teacher on faith, worldviews and storytelling (Hollywood Worldviews), an Amazon best-selling author of Biblical fiction (Chronicles of the Nephilim), and provocative theology (God Against the gods).
Emily Golus has been dreaming up worlds since before she could write her name. A New England transplant now living in the Deep South, Golus is fascinated by culture and the way it shapes how individuals see the world around them. Her fantasy works are filled with diverse and complex people who are unwillingly united in times of great danger. Golus aims to write stories that engage, inspire, and reassure readers that the small choices of everyday life matter. In addition to her first two fantasy novels, Escape to Vindor (winner of the 2018 Selah Award) and its upcoming sequel, she writes about world-building and what it truly means to be a storymaker. Explore her fantasy creations at WorldofVindor.com, and read her blog at EmilyGolusBooks.com.
Adam Graham is a recovering politician and journalist, living in Boise, Idaho with his wife and fellow author, Andrea Graham. He is the author of the superhero comedy Tales of the Dim Knight (November 2010) and the follow up books Fly Another Day (March 2013), and Powerhouse Hard Pressed (May 2013). His current projects include the next book in that series, Ultimate Midlife Crisis as well as his first mystery novel Slime Incorporated. Adam also hosts The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio and Old Time Radio Superman podcasts. You can follow his blog, Christian Superheroes, and follow him on Twitter @Idahoguy.
Binding of the Blade series author L. B. Graham loved school so much that he never left, transitioning seamlessly between life as a student and life as a teacher. He and his family now live in St. Louis, Missouri. They would like one day to have a house by the sea, which he wants to call "The Grey Havens." He and his wife have two children. Both love books, which pleases him immensely. L. B. holds a B.A. in Literature from Wheaton College, and an M.Div from Covenant Seminary. He is chairman of the Bible department and teacher of worldviews at Westminster Christian Academy. Of his five-book epic fantasy series The Binding of the Blade (from 2004 to 2008), the first novel, Beyond the Summerland, was a Christy Award finalist in 2005. He has also written several articles in IVP's Dictionary of Biblical Imagery.
Kat Heckenbach spent her childhood with pencil and sketchbook in hand, knowing she wanted to be an artist when she grew up—so naturally she graduated from college with a degree in biology, went on to teach math, and now homeschools her two children while writing. She is the author of YA fantasy series Toch Island Chronicles and paranormal romance Relent, as well as dozens of fantasy, science fiction, and horror short stories in magazines and anthologies. Enter her world at www.katheckenbach.com.
Bruce Hennigan grew up in Northwest Louisiana and became a physician practicing in the field of radiology. He was a church drama director for 15 years and wrote over 150 plays. He is a certified apologist, or one who defends the truthfulness of the Christian faith and speaks on this topic on a regular basis. He co-authored "Conquering Depression: A Thirty Day Plan to Finding Happiness” with Mark Sutton and this book was published by B & H Publishing in 2001. An updated book, "Hope Again: A 30 Day Plan for Conquering Depression” will be released by B&H in September, 2014. He is also the author of the supernatural thriller novels in the "Chronicles of Jonathan Steel”: "The 13th Demon: Altar of the Spiral Eye”, "The 12th Demon: Mark of the Wolf Dragon”, and "The 11th Demon: The Ark of Chaos”. He has two grown children and lives in Shreveport with his wife, Sherry. For more information, check out his website at brucehennigan.com and for more information on the Chronicles of Jonathan Steel, go to www.11thdemon.com.
Marion Hill is the author of The Descendant of Destiny and Transformation Toward Destiny. He reviews books at Marion-hill.com. Born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida, he has also lived in Atlanta, Georgia, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Living in those cities helped create the world of Kammbia and the setting for the Kammbia novels. Marion currently lives in San Antonio, Texas. He is currently working on Diversion from Destiny, Kammbia Book 3, due to release in fall 2017.
Award-winning author Sharon Hinck writes “stories for the hero in all of us,” about ordinary women on extraordinary faith journeys. Known for their authenticity, emotional range, and spiritual depth, her novels include humorous contemporary fiction, women’s fiction, and the groundbreaking Sword of Lyric fantasy series. She has been honored with a Christy finalist medal, and three Carol awards for her novels.
Computer programmer Josh Hugo lives in Texas with his homeschooling wife, three homeschooled children, and two rabbits who do not go to school. He loves to read science fiction, but spends more time playing video games, which he insists can be just as good as books. His personal blog can be found at JoshHugo.com.
Randy Ingermanson is the award-winning author of six novels. He is a computational physicist with a Ph.D. in physics from UC Berkeley. Randy writes about life at "the intersection of Science Avenue and Faith Boulevard" -- a poorly lit section of town where there are plenty of fights and accidents. Randy is best known around the world as "the Snowflake Guy" for his widely used "Snowflake method" of designing a novel. His most recent book is WRITING FICTION FOR DUMMIES. You can find Randy online at http://www.Ingermanson.com or http://www.AdvancedFictionWriting.com.
S. E. M. Ishida is author of stories for readers of all ages. Her work as a technical communicator and fiction writer provides her with opportunities to explore technology both real and speculative. You can follow her on her blog and on social media, which includes Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Bethany A. Jennings is a science-fiction and fantasy author, freelance editor, graphic designer, and the acquisitions editor at Uncommon Universes Press. She is endlessly passionate about the intersection of faith, art, and pop culture, and the power of speculative fiction to shape hearts and unveil hidden realities. Born in California, she now lives in New Hampshire with her husband, four children, zero pets, and a large collection of imaginary friends (a.k.a. fictional characters). In addition to her writing and editing, she runs #WIPjoy, a popular online event for authors. Her published short stories, Threadbare and Dragon Lyric, can be found on Amazon.
Avily Jerome is a writer and freelance editor. For five years she was editor of Havok Magazine (now Havok Publishing). Her short stories have been published in multiple magazines and anthologies. She has judged several short story and novel contests, and serves on the Lorehaven Review Team. Her novel, The Breeding, finaled in the 2019 Realm Awards for the supernatural/paranormal category as well as Book of the Year. The Breeding is followed by two sequels, The Possessing and The Haunting, as well as Swimmer, a Little Mermaid–inspired contemporary fantasy novel. She lives with her husband and five kids in the desert in Phoenix, Arizona. When she’s not writing, she loves reading and experimenting with different art forms.
Jason C. Joyner is a physician assistant, a writer, a Jesus-lover, and a Star Wars geek. He’s traveled from the jungles of Thailand to the cities of Australia and the Bavarian Alps of Germany. He lives in Idaho with his lovely wife, three boys, and daughter managing the chaos of sports and superheroes in his own home. His young-adult superhero series Rise of the Anointed starts with Launch and continues in Fractures, both available now.
Bethany Kaczmarek is a sojourner. So far, she's just explored Earth, but her love for adventure and old stories make her yearn for a chance to wander in other realms in the not-too-distant future. Author of Strains of Silence (summer 2017) and ACFW finalist for Editor of the Year, she enjoys tales that take a guess at what's out there. And she loves to add her own ideas to the mix. Other job titles: Realm Makers Awards Director, Wielder of Red Pens, Grammar Ninja, Wiper of Tears and Milk, Indie Music Connoisseur, and Friend. You can connect with her at www.bethanykaczmarek.com.
Ronie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author of over twenty titles. She grew up an Army brat, and now she and her Army-veteran husband live a short train ride from New York City with their children, VVolt N629 (retired military working dog) and Benning the Stealth Golden. Ronie's degree in psychology has helped her pen novels of intense, raw characters.
Originally from Michigan, Cindy Koepp combined a love of pedagogy and ecology into a fourteen-year career as an elementary science specialist. After teaching four-footers (that's height, not leg count) she pursued a master's degree in adult learning with a specialization in performance improvement. Her published works include science fiction, fantasy, and GameLit novels; a passel of short stories; and a few educator resources. When she isn't reading or writing, Cindy is currently working as a tech writer, hat collector, quilter, crafter, and strange joke teller.
L. Jagi Lamplighter is the author of the YA fantasy series The Books of Unexpected Enlightenment. Its third book was nominated for the YA Dragon Award in 2017. The fourth book won the first YA Ribbit Award, and the fifth book won the 2021 Helicon Award for Best Fantasy. She is also the author of the Prospero’s Daughter series: Prospero Lost, Prospero In Hell, andProspero Regained, as well as numerous articles and short stories. She also has an anthology of her own works, In the Lamplight, as well as edits and teaches writing.
Steve Laube is a longtime literary agent. He is also the publisher of Enclave Publishing, which offers exclusively Christian-made novels in fantasy, science fiction, and other speculative genres. Follow his online writings at EnclavePublishing.com and explore Enclave's offerings at EnclavePublishing.com.
An avid reader since birth (her parents claim she often kept them up until 11:30 p.m. begging to hear just one more story), Laurie Lucking discovered her passion for writing after leaving her career as a lawyer to become a stay-at-home mom. She is an aspiring author of Christian YA romantic fantasy and co-founder of Lands Uncharted, a blog for fans of clean YA fantasy. A Midwestern girl through and through, she currently lives in Minnesota with her husband and two young sons. Laurie enjoys making new friends on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest.
Nathan Lumbatis grew up in the woods of Alabama, where he spent his time exploring, hiking, and dreaming up stories. Now, as a child/adolescent therapist and a speculative fiction author, he's teaching kids and teens how to redeem their stories using Biblical principles. He still lives in Alabama, where you will find him with his wife and three kids every chance he gets.
Rachel A. Marks is a writer and artist, a surfer and dirt-bike rider, chocolate lover and a keeper of faerie secrets. She teaches her four kids at home and tries not to act like a nerd during science class. She was voted: Most Likely To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse, but hopes she'll never have to test the theory. Her novella Winter Rose was released in November 2011.
Brennan S. McPherson writes thought-provoking, heart-pounding fantasy based on the Bible. With mind-bending plots and lyrical prose, McPherson crafts a different sort of biblical fiction for readers who like to be challenged to think. His book, Flood: The Story of Noah and the Family Who Raised Him, released November 2017. Grab a free e-book at BrennanMcPherson.com.
Matt Mikalatos is the author of the comedy-theology novel Imaginary Jesus and Night of the Living Dead Christian. Being introduced to science fiction at an early age by his father, Matt grew up thinking that if he got too angry he'd turn into a monster, that Stonehenge could become blood-sucking rocks during the night and that you should never, never look in a mirror unless the bathroom light was on. His blog is at Mikalatos.com and at his website, you can read the first chapter of his newest book.
Best known for her aspirations as an epic fantasy author, Becky is the sole remaining founding member of Speculative Faith. Besides contributing weekly articles here, she blogs Monday through Friday at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. She works as a freelance writer and editor and posts writing tips as well as information about her editing services at Rewrite, Reword, Rework.
Tricia Mingerink is a twenty-something, book-loving, horse-riding country girl. She's the author of The Blades of Acktar, a Christian action-adventure fantasy series, and lives in Michigan with her family and their pack of pets. When she isn't writing, she can be found pursuing backwoods adventures across the country.
Rebecca P. Minor can't help but tell stories, whether that's in the form of animation, illustration, novels, or really long retellings of weird things that happened when she was a carriage driver. Her favorite stories, however, involve dragons, elves, sword fights, and magic, all of which you'll find in her two fantasy series, The Windrider Saga and The Risen Age Archive. Rebecca is also the cofounder of Realm Makers, an annual symposium for people of faith who write science fiction and fantasy. Rebecca resides outside Philadelphia, PA with her husband and three sons, who have all happily bought into the geek pool alongside her.
Katie Morford is an author and editor at Crosshair Press, an independent publishing house devoted to character-driven, high-adventure storytelling with moral and spiritual dilemmas. She credits her best friend with her descent into geekdom. Katie's action-adventure novel, The Katiller, co-authored with fellow Crosshair Press founder Carrie Lemke, will be available in Jan. 2015 from Amazon and the Crosshair Press bookstore. In her spare time, Katie travels the world as a missionary journalist and marathons Doctor Who episodes. She shares thoughts about her storytelling journeys at Story For His Glory.
G. Shane Morris is a senior writer at BreakPoint, a program of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and blogs regularly at Patheos.
Robert Mullin is a seasoned editor and debut author of the novel Bid the Gods Arise. He is also a cryptozoologist who has traveled to Africa three times in search of a living dinosaur, and was featured on an episode of the History Channel's television show, Monster Quest.
Meagan Myhren-Bennett is a book reviewer, librarian, and lover of books who loves to share her love of the written word with all who want a recommendation of well-written fiction.
Keven Newsome is a child of God, husband, father, and friend, in that order. He's also a novelist, musician, and sometimes artist. He has an MA in Theology, specializing in supernatural theology, from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. His debut novel Winter was a finalist for the Compton Crook Awards and the Grace Awards. His other works include Prophetess, the sequel to Winter; three contributing stories in the Aquasynthesis anthology; and a contributing micro-story in the Avenir Eclectia anthology. Keven is the founder of The New Authors' Fellowship and produces music and video through Newsome Creative.
Kerry Nietz writes award-winning science fiction novels, including The DarkTrench Saga series and Amish Vampires in Space. He and his family live in Ohio.
Nathan James Norman is the senior pastor of The Orchard Church in Traverse City, Michigan. He produces Christian speculative fiction in audio format with the Untold Podcast, and blogs about preaching, theology and creativity on his personal website. Two of his short stories appeared in The Crossover Alliance Anthology: Volume One released in 2015.
Jim O'Shea is a long-time resident of “flyover country.” He crafts suspense novels that often tackle faith-versus-science dynamics. God has and continues to reveal his creation masterpiece through scientific discovery, and Jim believes fiction to be a great tool to expose those emerging truths.
John is author or co-author of a number of novels, including the award winning science fiction Oxygen.
Catherine Jones Payne is a Seattle native who loves the written word, international travel, crashing waves, and good coffee. Her earliest memory involves pulling up a rolling chair to her parents’ old DOS computer—while wearing a tiara, naturally—and tapping out a story of kidnapped princesses. By day she’s the managing editor of Quill Pen Editorial. She lives in Greenville, South Carolina with her historian husband, Brendan, and their cats, Mildred and Minerva. Her debut novel Breakwater released in 2017.
Andrew Peterson is a song writer, performer, author of the Wingfeather Saga, and proprietor of the Rabbit Room—a community of songwriters, authors, and artists interested in storytelling, faith, and fellowship. He's also a member of the Square Peg Alliance, a happy band of singer/songwriters who write together, tour together, and eat together. He and his wife, Jamie, live just south of Nashville with their three children.
Bridgett Powers is an author, editor, and writing coach. While defying the limitations of impaired vision and overcoming chronic pain, she learned that: “Light shines brightest through cracked lanterns.” She runs Light's Scribe Writer Services, slaying evil adverbs and rescuing lost commas in other people's stories. Otherwise, she's exploring fantasy realms, futuristic worlds, and the deep places within the human spirit, all in her quest for tales of broken beacons who carry light into the darkness.
An enthusiastic sci-fi fan with over thirty years of business and leadership experience, Allan Reini brings his unique insights and humor to corporate and church events. Allan lives in Hibbing, Minnesota, where he and his wife, Becky, are thankful to have all four of their adult children and their four grandchildren in close proximity. He has admittedly raised a family of self-professed nerds, including his eldest son and co-author, Aaron. Their first novel, Flight of the Angels, released in October 2012.
Gray Rinehart writes fiction, nonfiction, and music, and is the only person to have commanded an Air Force satellite tracking station, written speeches for Presidential appointees, and had music on The Dr. Demento Show. He is the author of the near-future science fiction novel Walking on the Sea of Clouds, and his short fiction has appeared in Analog Science Fiction & Fact, Asimov's Science Fiction, Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, and several anthologies. He is a contributing editor (the "Slushmaster General") for Baen Books and a singer/songwriter with two albums of mostly science-fiction-and-fantasy-inspired music. Find his website at GrayManWrites.com.
Keith A. Robinson teaches others how to defend the Christian faith. Since the release of Logic’s End, his first novel, he has been a featured speaker at Christian music festivals, homeschool conventions, apologetics seminars and churches.
James L. Rubart is a husband, dad, author, and speaker—in that order. He's the best-selling author of The Man He Never Was, The Long Journey of Jake Palmer, and The Five Times I Met Myself. He graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in broadcast journalism. During the day he runs Barefoot Marketing which helps businesses and authors make more coin of the realm. In his free time he dirt bikes, backpacks, golfs, takes photos, and does the occasional sleight of hand. He lives in the Pacific Northwest with his amazing wife and teenage sons and still thinks he's young enough to water ski like a madman. Learn more at his website.
Aidan Russell is a Marine Corps veteran living in Las Vegas. He spent his youth following the adventures of wizards and space demons and decided one day to write his own tales. In addition to his epic fantasy series, The Judges Cycle, His short fiction is available in the Never Fear and Uncharted Worlds anthologies. When not writing, he enjoys skiing and heavy metal. To keep up with the latest news, find out about upcoming releases, and snag some free goodies and special offers, be sure to subscribe to Aidan Russell’s mailing list. Also, follow along with his antics and get the occasional pet pictures by checking out his website and following him on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and BookBub.
Steve Rzasa has written many science fiction and fantasy novels. He is a former journalist and currently the technical services librarian in Buffalo, Wyoming, where he lives with his wife and two boys. Steve's a fan of all things science-fiction and superhero, and is also a student of history.
Sarah Sawyer loves creating other worlds and exploring what they can reveal about our own. Her passion for story led naturally to novel writing, and her love of the imaginative to fantasy. Sarah has served as a Carol Awards judge and a book reviewer, and she works to promote Christian speculative fiction wherever she can.
Christopher D. Schmitz is the author of Wolf of the Tesseract, book 1 in the Wolves of the Tesseract trilogy, and other faith-based speculative fiction stories. Schmitz did a dime in the pulpit and has worked for Youth for Christ for nearly as long. He holds a master’s degree in religion, is a sucker for comic cons and speaking engagements, and freelances for local newspapers. He lives in rural Minnesota with his family where he drinks unsafe amounts of coffee and annoys the neighbors with his bagpipes. Find him at AuthorChristopherDSchmitz.com.
Marc Schooley describes himself as "a Christian and a Texan ... in that order." While not working in the U.S. space program in Houston, loving his family or going to church, he enjoys studying theology, writing stories, and is completing a second Master's degree. His first novel, The Dark Man, was published by Marcher Lord Press in spring 2009; his second novel, Konig's Fire, also from Marcher Lord, released in 2010.
Chawna Schroeder is a Minnesotan writer who enjoys snow, chai tea, and playing “what if?”—even if that game occasionally gets her into trouble. She also loves stretching both her imagination and her faith to their limits and helping others to do the same. Chawna's novels include Beast (a coming-of-age fairytale) and The Vault Between Spaces (a Cold-War styled fantasy).You can connect with Chawna at ChawnaSchroeder.com or through Facebook.
Kyle Robert Shultz began writing in his early teens after being bitten by a radioactive book. Currently, he is the Supreme Overlord of a sprawling fictional realm called the Afterverse—where fairy tales and classic stories are history, and magic and monsters are real. As a Christian, he strives to write fiction that is entertaining and wholesome, but devoid of overt “messages” or agendas. He lives in the wilds of southern Idaho, removed far enough from civilization to keep humanity safe should any of his rough drafts break through the electric fence. Find out more about his works at KyleRobertShultz.com. You can also follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Wattpad.
Anne Elisabeth Stengl is the author of the Tales of Goldstone Wood, a series of fantasy adventure novels told in the classic Fairy Tale style. She is married to the handsome man she met at fencing class and lives with him and a gaggle of cats in NC. You can follow her on Facebook or contact her via her blog.
Cap Stewart has developed his love of stories through drama, radio, freelance writing and editing, videography, independent filmmaking, and collecting and reviewing film scores. He has written for several print and online publications. Cap instructs online audiences on the Christian’s forgotten duty when confronting a pornified culture. He has also been blogging at Happier Far since 2006.
Randy Streu is a freelance voice talent, podcaster, and narrator who writes short stories and reads just about everything. Explore his voice work at Randy Streu VO. You can also see what he's up to at his occasionally-updated blog.
Dave Swavely is general editor at Cruciform Fiction with Cruciform Press, which offers a line of Christian novelettes. He is also the author of numerous books, both fiction and non-fiction. His speculative fiction includes the Peacer series (Silhouette and Kaleidocide) published by Thomas Dunne Books, a division of Macmillan, and the new novels Dayfall (Tor) and Next Life (Cruciform). Never being one to do anything halfway, he has been both a great success and failure in life, while raising seven children with his beloved wife Jill and starting several churches and schools along the way (and learning more from the failures than the successes).
Anna Tan grew up in Malaysia, the country that is not Singapore. She runs regular write-ins in her hometown of Penang with the Malaysian Writers Society (MYWriters) and LUMA to foster a greater sense of community amongst writers. Anna is the author of Coexist and Dongeng, as well as the North short story series. She can be found tweeting as @natzers. Find her website at AnnaTSP.com.
Audie Thacker likes to think of himself as a writer, and so far his word processor hasn't been able to convince him otherwise, though one can't fault its efforts. He is the author of the fantasy novels Shifters: Manipulations and Shifters: Judgments.
Rachel Starr Thomson is the author of eighteen novels, all of them in the Christian speculative fiction genre. As an editor and writing coach, she has helped writers achieve their best work for over a decade—so she's thrilled to contribute to The Writer's Toolbox series, which gives fiction writers everything they need to know to create compelling, solid stories.The newest release—5 Editors Tackle the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing—features more than sixty detailed Before and After examples of flawed and corrected passages to help authors learn to spot flaws in their writing.You can check out all Rachel's books and get a free story at her website.
Zachary Totah writes speculative fiction stories. This allows him to roam through his imagination, where he has illegal amounts of fun creating worlds and characters to populate them. When not working on stories or wading through schoolwork, he enjoys playing sports, hanging out with his family and friends, watching movies, and reading. He lives in Colorado and doesn't drink coffee. He loves connecting with other readers and writers. Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Goodreads, and at his website.
Robert Treskillard is a Celtic enthusiast who holds a B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Bethel University, Minnesota. He has been crafting stories from his early youth, is a software developer, graphic artist, and sometime bladesmith. He and his wife have three children and are still homeschooling their youngest. They live in the country outside St. Louis, Missouri. His author career began when Robert's son wanted to learn blacksmithing and sword-making. The two set out to learn the crafts and in the process were told by a relative that they were descended from a Cornish blacksmith. This lit the fire of Robert's imagination, and so welding his Celtic research to his love of the legends of King Arthur, a book was forged—Merlin's Blade, book one of The Merlin Spiral. More information about Robert can be found through his blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter.
Janalyn Voigt is an author whose unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates breathtaking fictional worlds for readers. Beginning with DawnSinger, Janalyn's epic fantasy series, Tales of Faeraven, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. Janalyn is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary. Her memberships include ACFW and NCWA. When she's not writing, she loves to discover worlds of adventure in the great outdoors with her family.
C. S. Wachter lives in rural Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, with her husband Joe, one German Shepherd, and three cats. She and Joe have been married for more than forty years and have three sons, one grandson and one granddaughter. Ms. Wachter earned her degree in Performing Arts and English Education from Rowan University in 1975. She compares developing a character’s perspective to preparing for an acting role. As a life-long lover of books, she has read and enjoyed a variety of genres. However, after reading J. R. R. Tolkien in middle school her favorite has been, and remains to this day, fantasy with a Christian perspective.
Lars Walker lives in Minneapolis. He is the author of several fantasy novels, published both conventionally and as e-books. His latest novel, Hailstone Mountain, is part of his series The Saga of Erling Skjalgsson and was released in e-book form in March 2013. He works as a librarian and Norwegian translator, and blogs at BrandyWineBooks.net. His website is LarsWalker.com, and his Facebook group is Lars Walker's Viking Thing.
Esther Wallace is an award winning author and a freelance illustrator, who holds an associate's degree in graphic design and animation. Her novel, The Savage War won two awards—one in YA and another in adult fantasy.
Mary Weber is a ridiculously uncoordinated girl plotting to take over make-believe worlds through books, handstands, and imaginary throwing knives. Her recently released debut, Storm Siren (Thomas Nelson, HarperCollins), was endorsed by New York Times bestselling authors Jay Asher and Marissa Meyer, and touted to fans of Game of Thrones and the Lunar Chronicles by School Library Journal Teen. In her spare time, she feeds unicorns, sings 80's hairband songs to her three muggle children, and ogles her husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. They live in California, which is perfect for stalking L.A. bands, Joss Whedon, and the ocean. You can geek out with her on Facebook: Mary Weber, Author, TWITTER: @mchristineweber, and INSTAGRAM: @maryweberauthor.
LoriAnn Weldon is a voracious reader, a sporadic writer, and lover of all things fictional. Working both as a librarian in her midwestern city and as a book cover designer for Magpie Designs, LoriAnn lives with her two roommates and an uninvited ghost cat named Holy Moses.
Author Phyllis Wheeler tells stories that encourage us to step outside our comfort zones. She's been a journalist, an engineer, and a homeschooling mom. Now she's thrilled to be following her dream of becoming an author for young people. Her debut novel, The Long Shadow, published to great reviews in 2021. It’s a racial reconciliation story for readers age 12 and older. Find out more and get a free short story at PhyllisWheeler.com.
Brandon M. Wilborn has authored two books in The King of the Caves series. He pairs a love of fantasy with a theological education to create stories full of epic adventure that grapple with deeper questions of life, faith, and our role in the drama of good and evil. Of course, he does all that epic writing around his stay-at-home-dad gig, so it’s slow. Find more of his work at BrandonWilborn.com, his Facebook page, and (sometimes) his Twitter feed.
A.C. Williams, a founder of Crosshair Press, started writing at age 11. With 39 completed novels and more underway, she'll never run out of stories to tell. When she isn't writing, she hangs out at her family's 100-year-old farm on the Kansas prairie. She loves sharing what Jesus is doing in her life and believes there's a Doctor Who quote for every life situation. Her debut novel Nameless was released in December 2014, and her second novel Finding Fireflies was released in February 2015. Follow her work at AmyCWilliams.com and explore her devotionals at AlwaysPeachy.com.
Tamra Wilson is a student just awarded her Bachelor's in English. Raised in a Christian home, she came to faith at a young age and loves all things fantasy. She spends her days in northern New York, dreaming of becoming a spec-fic author herself.
Dianne J. Wilson writes young-adult fantasy and romantic suspense novels, exploring spiritual truth woven through ordinary life with grace-soaked adventure and humor.
Andrew Winch is the editor in chief for Havok Publishing. When he's not helping others polish their writing, he's creating worlds, weaving plots, and solving mysteries of his own. Check out his weekly adventures at RaisingSupergirl.com, and find great flash fiction at GoHavok.com.
Ben Wolf is the founder and former publisher of Splickety Publishing Group, which offers three quarterly flash fiction magazines: Splickety (multi-genre), Havok (speculative), and Spark (romance). He is also an award-winning author and acclaimed editor of fantastical stories. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He lives with his family in Iowa.