1. How creative, Zac! Love it. You had me chuckling here and there.  Maybe add something like, The guest no one wants to gossip about because they aren’t sure if he might hear them – Bilbo Baggins and/or Frodo Baggins. I’m sure you can make it better though.


  2. Pam Halter says:

    I totally want to attend this party!

    My addition: Steals the guests’ jewelry – Gollum

  3. audie says:


    Male guests you want to keep away from the mistletoe: James Kirk, Jiraiya, Sanji, Tony Stark.

    Couples everyone wants to put under the mistletoe: Zen and Shirayuki, Ichigo and Orihime, Renji and Rukia, Erin and Mikasa.

What do you think?