1. Kessie says:

    I think it was the preface to Starswarm, by Jerry Pournelle, that put me on the track of that “Sense of wonder”. He talks about growing up reading those science fiction magazines in the 50s that were big on rocket ships, lasers, aliens, and hot babes, but were weak on real science. But they sure had a sense of wonder going for them.
    He went on to talk about Heinlein’s juvie fiction, and that’s why he was writing Starswarm. I adored Starswarm, so I went hunting juvie fiction–Heinlein’s, Bradbury’s. It’s actually hard to find, but the sense of wonder is there. The questions that don’t get answered, because nobody knows the answers. The people who go looking for the answers and find things stranger and more wondrous than they ever imagined.
    I think that’s why Hollywood keeps doing the whole “Lost World” motif every few years. We just love being plunged into a wild, primordial world where nothing is what we expect.
    I’d love to see more sense of wonder in Christian spec fic. I haven’t read the books that have come out in the last ten years, though, so I don’t know how much that’s changed. (Christmas is coming, though!)

  2. Maria Tatham says:

    LB, you reminded me of an essential igredient of speculative or fantasy fiction, the wonder and yearning it evokes; whether that fiction is ‘Space the final frontier…’ or Tolkien’s luminous The Silmarillion.
    I enjoyed recalling my own first venture into reading Greek myths. These tales, simply told and illustrated, took me to another world entirely. Later I read The Odyssey and The Iliad with amazement.  
    Now, I must read something I missed, it seems, except for the miniseries–The Martian Chronicles.  Thanks for the lead…

What do you think?