1. Great thoughts, Fred!

    My favorite war-centered science-fiction is Battlestar Galactica.  I felt like the show did a good job of portraying the huge responsibility of military command, and the hard choices soldiers have to make.

  2. Fred Warren says:

    I also enjoy David Weber’s Honor Harrington series (the first two, On Basilisk Station and The Honor of the Queen, are free for e-reading on the Baen Books website), and Joe Haldeman’s classic, The Forever War.

  3. Timothy Stone says:

    I loved Battlestar Galactica, Bethany, Ma’am. I thought it showed the strange dichotomy of folks who are sometimes do, indeed one may say often inevitably do, very sinful (and unhealthy) things on the one hand, yet will act absolutely pious, on the other hand. I can testify the above is true from my own (admittedly anecdotal, though statistics do support this) observations of others, not to mention my own behavior. I’ve heard some people call the characters hypocrites. Indeed, they are hypocrites. That’s the point, you deal with war in all sorts of way, and you vacillate in your sinful nature between evil and repentance.
    Sir, I really liked the concept of the Honor Harrington series, especially since in what I’ve read (just the first two books so far) they make clear the reality that Star Trek refused to admit (though the above noted BSG admitted it from the start). That reality being that often the most capable and certainly most experienced in any military are the NCO’s. My only problem that has kept me from going on farther onto book three was that at the end of the second book, injuries aside, Harrington is veering dangerously close to Canon Sue territory. I don’t want my experience with the great characters to be ruined by seeing her become full-on Canon Sue.

  4. Fred Warren says:

    My only problem that has kept me from going on farther onto book three was that at the end of the second book, injuries aside, Harrington is veering dangerously close to Canon Sue territory. I don’t want my experience with the great characters to be ruined by seeing her become full-on Canon Sue.

    Well, a Canon Sue is usually a fan-fiction pitfall in which the writer converts an established character from the source material into a self-surrogate, though it’s seen occasionally in professional fiction. Still, I don’t think Mr. Weber is writing Honor Harrington as a female fantasy version of himself.
    If you mean she’s beginning to seem a little too perfect with respect to the other characters, I suppose that’s possible, but she’s the heroine, after all. I’ll have to go back and look at the stories again, but I think Honor makes her share of missteps along the way, even as she wins out in the end.

  5. D.M. Dutcher says:

    I think any series will have the risk of degenerating, Timothy. There’s not much to do except ride with it until the worrying trends you see are proven or dispelled. That makes me hesitant to get involved with the big, 7+ volume franchises though. 

  6. Timothy Stone says:

    Yes, Sir. That “a little too perfect” is exactly what I mean. I saw before someone differentiate a character that is a “Canon Sue (or Stu for the male versions) as different from the “Mary Sue/Marty Stu” as being a story that is part of the official storyline or canon of the work, but has too many “Sue-ish” traits. Sorry for the confusion, Sir. I do like the story, but I am antsy about seeing the quality go down. That and the second book was a rehash in some ways of the first, plot-wise. I want some variety.
    Didn’t write my whole sentence in my initial comment. I mean my personal experience and observations of others from my time in Iraq in the Army.
    I wasn’t quite fair to Star Trek. Most of the series avoided mentioning Enlisted/NCO’s, or downplayed them, except for DS9, which did a terrific time with them via Chief O’Brien, Rom, etc.

    • Fred Warren says:


      I know what you mean. I find a series that runs longer than two or three installments begins to wear out its welcome with me. There are exceptions, but I’m not usually one of those desperately wishing an author “would write just one more story about XYZ.”

      It’s interesting that military-flavored science fiction television and movies do seem to focus more on the officer corps (novels do a better job), while historical dramas pay more attention to the enlisted.

      As the NCOs are wont to say, “You don’t have to call me ‘sir.’ I work for a living.” 🙂

      And thank you for your service!


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