1. Sharkbait says:

    I’ll be honest with you; If I thought it was that easy, I would have left years ago.

    But sadly I am still in love with the Groom, and He hasn’t shown me a better way to do it yet that doesn’t involve loving His Bride as well.


  2. David Seven says:

    I am looking forward to reading that.

    Okay, I just realised that sounded like a spam comment. What I meant was that as a Christian writer I am looking forward to the next in the series.

    (See, I am a real person)


  3. shastastwin says:

    Well, honestly this doesn’t surprise me too much, though it does disappoint me a bit. I seem to recall that Anne Rice rejected her faith for years (while she wrote her famous Vampire Chronicles) and then had this big ta-da when she returned and began writing her Christ the Lord series. Because of her public repentance (for that’s all I can think to call it) I want, as Stephen has said, to think she’ll be at the marriage supper. However, the Bible’s response to this is to “work out thy own salvation with fear and trembling.” I can’t say for certain anything about Ms. Rice’s salvific state, but I will be interested in further developments in this “plot” if you will.

    • Though I have not read either series, I recall reading an excerpt in World magazine, from her version of Jesus being tempted by Satan (Matthew 4). Though of course fictionalized, with some Artistic License, what she wrote — from what I can recall — was true to Scripture.

      About “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” I always like to finish the sentence (from Philippians 2: 12-13) just to be safe! “… for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”

      And again, I hope that Rice is not, and was not, expecting any church members (Catholic or Protestant) to work out their salvation without knowing it is God working in His people Who truly does it. One should not expect the fruits of conversion without the roots of conversion: the Gospel of salvation from death and God’s just wrath, solely by the free gift of Christ, and by His blood and sacrifice.

  4. mary says:

    I’m Catholic, and I see the Church as the bride of Christ, certainly, but also as a human institution, made up of us imperfect human beings. It strikes me that many people who leave the Church out of frustration are actually very good and idealistic, but have lost sight of the whole picture. Flannery O’Connor put it this way – I apologize for not knowing whom she is quoting; I think it may be St. Teresa?: “The Church is the cross on which Christ was crucified. You cannot have Christ without the cross.”

    • Mary, the quote from O’Connor and/or St. Teresa seems lost on me. Perhaps it’s a uniquely Catholic metaphor: how is the cross compared with the Church? To us — and I think that includes Protestants and Catholics — the Cross is a symbol of Christ’s death for His Church, suffering under God’s wrath in place of His people, the final sacrifice (as outlined in Hebrews). And when we see a cross shape, optimally, we think about Him and that moment. So if you stop by, help me understand what is meant by compared the Cross to the Church? ‘Twould help me learn. 😀

      Otherwise, we’re in perfect agreement. And in response to those who leave the Church because it’s full of imperfect people (I refer to actual committed sins, such as unloving attitudes and cheapening the Gospel), I want to ask: do you really think it will be any better out in the world? If “organized religion” (assuming here faith based on truth) is bad, how much worse is it when it is disorganized!

      Yet as I wrote above, thus far, almost all of what Rice has said seems a uniquely “left-wing” critique. I avoided talking about this, but Rice mostly cited attitudes that are either more common to fringe groups, or else beliefs that are actually Biblical (such as being “anti-humanist,” as in secular humanist).

      Anyone has a better case if they are citing actual un-Biblical behavior, such as lack of Christlike love, compromising the Gospel, or treating human opinions about disputable matters (a la meat sacrificed to idols, Romans 14) as Gospel.

      I’ve been in many churches, with my family while I was still living at home, and have been a part of leaving several of them. Still, this does not qualify as having left the Church proper, or even a local church — an organization that does not act according to clear Biblical standards for faith and practice is not a church.

      In my next column (next week), I’ll try to avoid the debates over whether Rice has left a church-that-isn’t-really, or whether this means she’s no longer a Christian. Scripture is clear that sanctification is a process. What will prove the truth one way or the other is whether the Lord draws her to Himself — whether that is drawing her back to where she was with an initial repentance and faith, or drawing her for the first time. We’ll only know for sure if we see her at the banquet table, when she’s not only attending the wedding of the Lamb and His Bride, but actually part of the bride. And what a celebration that will be!

  5. […] more discussion triggered by Ann Rice's decision, read "No Rice at the Lord's Wedding?—Part 1" over at Spec Faith's new […]

  6. […] up from last week’s column, I also must wonder if novelist Anne Rice is […]

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