1. Kessie says:

    Oooh, your worlds sound so interesting! Sign me up for the giveaway!
    I always liked telepathy, too, but I kind of burned myself out on it. I had this long-running fanfic series about a group of killer robots who communicated on a “network” (their sci-fi telepathic link). Some of them eventually became good guys, they figured out ways to add living people to their network, and the evil ones developed feuds with the good ones and attempted to wipe them out multiple times.
    Some pretty good books with telepathy are Robin Hobb’s Golden Fool series (telepathy links with people and animals), Hexwood with her “imaginary friends”, and Touch Not The Cat by Mary Stewart, about a woman with a telepathic link to a man she loves and knows by his mind, but doesn’t exactly know who he is in real life.

  2. Jill Williamson’s Blood of Kings series comes to mind also. She called the telepathic ability “blood-voicing” and only those in the royal line could have the ability.

    I agree with Kessie, Laura. I think you have some intriguing worldbuilding, especially giving your characters unique attributes that would help them survive their environment.

    Include me on the list for a potential give-away. I think you already have my email address.

    And for those of you interested in signing up, the contest remains open until midnight Sunday, November 25.


    • Laura Popp says:

      Hmm, Blood of Kings. Reminds me of a series I have where the royal line has “blood memories.” At the age of five, the children start having dreams about their forefathers and mothers, and by the time they’re teenagers, they have full access to all their ancestral line. Some go mad with the knowledge. Who wants to know what old great, great grandfather Chouron did in order to steal the hand of your best friend’s great grandmother, or the throne, for that matter?

  3. […] “Inside Another’s Mind”- Article on fictional telepathy, Speculative Faith […]

  4. Alassiel says:

    Love the thought process behind your world.  Sounds awesome!

    I have always loved the idea of being able to see through another’s senses.   I suspect we get so used to seeing and feeling and hearing and thinking about the world a certain way, that it would be strange and fascinating to experience it the way someone else does.

    I would love to be entered in the giveaway.  My email is greatjoy92(at)gmail(dot)com.  

  5. Erika says:

    Maybe it’s selfish, but sometimes I’ve really wished telepathy worked so people could hear what I’m thinking but too afraid to say! 😮
    Bonding…in the real world I would want to be bonded to a horse. We could be best buds, and I’d learn how to ride!
    In a fantasy world, probably a dragon.
    My email: erikanarnia93@gmail.com

    • Laura Popp says:

      A horse, huh? For me I think it would be a large bird. Even if I couldn’t ride on his back, if I could see through his eyes and feel the wind rushing past his ears, it would be almost as cool as flying!

  6. Galadriel says:

    I’d love to be entered in the contest, but I don’t think I’d like telepathy unless it could be strongly controlled. The risk of thinking the wrong thing at the wrong time–even if it’s just something like “I wish this person would just stop talking and let us get on with the assignments.”–would be too embarrassing.

    And my email address is veritas6913 AT gmail DOT com

    • Laura Popp says:

      That’s a good point! Telepathy would have to involve a lot of trust and mutual understanding to work well. That’s why I’ve never liked the idea of being bonded to more than two or three individuals, preferably just one.

  7. Donita Paul uses telepathy, too. Some between people and some between a person and his dragon.

    In the stories I’ve read, Galadriel, the characters also can learn to block their thoughts so someone can’t “hear” what they want to keep private, and they can shield their own thoughts so they don’t let something out accidentally, as you suggest.

    It’s an interesting device.


  8. Your worlds and people sound fascinating!  I’d love to be entered in the drawing.  My email is bethany AT jenningshome DOT com.

    Wait, warriors who fight in pairs and have an animal companion??  That sounds a lot like one of my books!  But in my book the fighting pairs are from two different species (one of them human) and they ride on the animal.  🙂

    I love the idea of telepathy.  I’d especially love to be able to “bond” with my husband so I can know and understand him even better than I do now, and see how he sees me.  My favorite book dealing with this is the “Firebird” trilogy by Kathy Tyers, in which husbands and wives have a special telepathic bond.  That is so lovely to me!

What do you think?