Guess That Fantasy – A Different Take

I don’t think we can create the contestant aspect of that old TV game show, but it would be fun, I think, if you would post in the comments how many clues you needed in order to guess the title.
on Jul 18, 2016 · 7 comments
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The last time I posted a “Guess That Fantasy” was last March as part of a promotion a number of fantasy authors put together. They devised a different fantasy topic for each day of the month. One such was a guess that fantasy, based on quotes.

FamilyWatchingTV1958cropI like the idea but thought I’d give it a twist. Instead of posting a series of quotes, I thought it might be fun to post clues and see how quickly you can identify the book. It’s sort of a “Name That Tune” approach. (You do know that old TV game show, don’t you? They used to play the first notes of a song and the contestants had to give the title. There was more to it than that—predicting how quickly they could guess the title, and so on—but the essence of the game was in the contestants’ speedy recognition of the songs.

I don’t think we can create the contestant aspect of that old TV game show, but it would be fun, I think, if you would post in the comments how many clues you needed in order to guess the title.

And in the event that this book is new to you, perhaps the clues will whet your appetite and you’ll decide to pick up a copy. As it happens, the Kindle edition is free today. I’ll give the link at the end.

Soooooo, without further ado, here are your clues for today’s Guess That Fantasy.

1. This book is Christian fantasy
2. The story opens with a quote from the Scroll of Amicus
3. The story takes place in countries adjacent to the Sea of Sharss
4. A secondary character named Brother Belmir delivers the opening line of dialogue
5. The main character wants to join a religious order, much to the disapproval of his kin
6. He is the youngest in his family
7. One of his brothers sells him into slavery
8. After some time of preparation, he becomes a star known as the White Pretender in the slave games
9. Though initially introduced in the book as Eldrin, the main character’s given name is Abramm Kalladorne
10. The book is published by Bethany House
11. The author is Karen Hancock
12. The book title is The Light Of Eidon

This book is the first of the Guardian-King series, and as I mentioned earlier, it’s free on Kindle. You can also learn more about the book from past articles published here at Spec Faith: “Book Discussion – The Light of Eidon, Part 1” and “Book Discussion – The Light of Eidon, Part 2.”

So how did you do on the “Guess That Fantasy” challenge? Don’t forget to tell us how many clues you needed before you correctly guessed the title. But if this is not a book you’re familiar with, feel free to give us your reactions to this little introduction.

Best known for her aspirations as an epic fantasy author, Becky is the sole remaining founding member of Speculative Faith. Besides contributing weekly articles here, she blogs Monday through Friday at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. She works as a freelance writer and editor and posts writing tips as well as information about her editing services at Rewrite, Reword, Rework.
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  1. Steve Taylor says:

    It only took me twelve questions. Not too bad for someone that hasn’t read the book.

  2. Tracey Dyck says:

    It took me 9 clues! It’s been a long time since I read it, but Abramm’s name was the clue that made it click. 🙂

    • Well, I did want to make the quiz kind of hard so people wouldn’t know in the first three questions. Abramm’s name is rather distinct, so I see why that brought the book to mind. I re-read the series a couple years ago, and enjoyed it all over again. Good story.


  3. Lauren Beauchamp says:

    I read it a couple years ago and loved it! But I couldn’t guess it 🙁

  4. I haven’t read the book, but I like the concept! Fun game.

    I do want to point out, though, that the book isn’t free on Kindle — it’s free for KU subscribers. It appears to be $5.99 for non-subscribers.

What do you think?