1. Travis Tyree Perry says:

    I spent 5 years working in a nursing home. Of all the patients I saw, the condition of those with Alzheimer’s was the most tragic. I think there’s nothing that frightens me more than getting Alzheimer’s myself.

    Thanks for the article. I wasn’t aware that Alzheimer’s horror was a thing. But it makes sense that it is.

  2. L.G. McCary says:

    I’m very curious to watch these movies, but I think it might upset me too much. My own grandmother died from complications of rapid-onset dementia, and it was very difficult to see my vivacious and wildly funny grandmother fade slowly away until the only person she remembered was my grandfather. The whole topic breaks my heart. I hate The Notebook, and I refuse to ever rewatch the last season of Chuck because they deal with similar themes. Just hurts too much.

    • I agree. The Taking of Deborah Logan gets gory at points (in gore horror fashion) but in that way, it takes away the tragedy of the woman having Alzheimer’s. Relic is more atmospheric and gloomy but still brings about the message of support for loved ones who can no longer reciprocate. Relic is intense though.

  3. Robert Womack says:

    Interesting parallel… Just as sin separated people from God, so too does the finality of Alzheimer’s or dementia separate people from those they know and love and all that is familiar to them. God is a social being, a being of relationship and community—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are separate individuals but in relationship are one. God seeks us out to have that same kind of relationship with Him—a relationship of family, of community. Since all disease, sickness, and death were thrust upon us as a result of the fall which separated us from God, in a very dark and evil way it make sense that that same continuum of disease, sickness, and ultimately death separates us from one another. Alzheimer’s and dementia are a very visible, very tangible example of just what that kind of separation looks and feels like. Imagine that multiplied infinitely and you start to see what it means to be separated from God. Makes the cross and Jesus’ sacrificial death to buy us back that much more personal and real.

  4. Thank you, Parker! My grandmother recently passed from Alzheimer’s, and you made me feel a little better about it with horror movies and Scripture. That’s some slick preachin, sister. I’ve read about the cathartic nature of fictional horror and was always dubious, but you expressed it beautifully.

What do you think?