1. notleia says:

    (Generic, inoffensive music swells in the background)
    Give your special someone the gift of **Symbolism** this holiday season…

  2. Travis Perry says:

    Patrick, I’ve heard this use of symbolism before in the three gifts. The exact same symbolism you mentioned. Though I recently heard someone else claim all three (yes, even gold) have medicinal uses. Which is also interesting when discussing the healer Jesus would become.

    A kind of interesting irony in the events related to the Magi stems from Herod (the not so-Great) knowing about the birth of Jesus because of the Magi. So he then sought to have Jesus killed. So the family fled to Egypt, where it seems likely they would have used the gifts given to them by the Magi to pay for the necessities of daily living. Which they wouldn’t have needed to pay for, had the Magi not arrived at Herod’s court in the first place.

    In other words, it seems they didn’t actually get to keep the gifts.

    Probably the most important long-term effect of the Magi’s visit would stem from the fact it seems Mary and Joseph had decided to remain in Bethlehem after the (in)famous census that brought them there in the first place. But when returning from Egypt, they decided to return to Galilee instead.

    So the Magi in the end caused Jesus to grow up as a Galilean rather than as a Judean. Via the providence of God, of course.

  3. That’s nice to know. Thanks for writing this!

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