1. Steve says:

    I caught that line when my family and I saw the film. I thought it was strange, and kind of out of place, and I even wondered on the spot if that was an implication that the character was gay. (Only because I couldn’t figure out what he meant.)

    But to be honest, I didn’t think about it any further. It’s meaning was left unanswered. Perhaps he never married because of a particularly embarrassing war wound (he seems to have quite a few). Or perhaps it’s because women find him repulsive. Who knows?

    The reaction to this little quip is wwaayyy over the top, and I don’t think any child carrying a Gobber doll will have their sexual identity threatened by this non-event.

  2. Becky says:

    I’ll admit I had heard about Gobber’s “coming out” before seeing the movie and was slightly nervous upon entering the theater. I caught the reference, but my only response was “oh, that’s it?” and a sigh of relief. I then proceeded to thoroughly enjoy the remainder of the film.

  3. bainespal says:

    the single comment in the animated sequel represents less than .0007 percent of the film’s total runtime and in fact a well-placed cough from an audience member could have obscured the groundbreaking achievement for the progressive cause.

    This calls for some good old-fashioned American Christian right-wing activism! Let no showing go uncoughed!

  4. Mirtika says:

    What will she do when her child asks about his bachelorhood? Well, that’s a good chance to talk about marriage, sexuality, and various related things at an age-appropriate level (and I tend to think parents underestimate what is appropriate, not minding that kids talk A LOT in school and see a lot online, etc).

    Some folks don’t get married for all sorts of reasons. Prior to gay marriage legalizations, they couldn’t get married. And when a kid asks a question that’s an opportunity to teach-and even better, talk about controversial things with a parent’s wisdom (or one hopes there is wisdom) and consideration–that’s a golden opportunity.

    But as I said on FB: I’m way more concerned that Hollywood marginalizes people of faith–I’ve seen more gay-positive characters on Network/Cable TV than orthodox-faith ones. Gays exist and should be depicted. But so do evangelical and traditional/orthodox and conservative Christians, and they should be depicted with the roundness and positivity as well. THere’s the issue.

  5. notleia says:

    Okay, I’m breaking my self-imposed exile to say that I had a Poe moment because I had to read this twice to make sure Burnett wasn’t doing something ridiculous like renouncing his Whovianness, though not liking How to Train Your Dragons is almost right up there with that. Props for trying something different, but I don’t think The Onion-esque style works for this site that also runs articles that are unironically trying to make us believe that Hollywood is out to get us. That is, after all, why I took a hiatus.

    And, really, if we Christians will throw the Internet equivalent of a pride parade over nearly as brief a mention of us or people analogous to us in movies and suchlike, we have no leg to stand on to criticize LGTBmoreletters peeps doing it.

    • this site that also runs articles that are unironically trying to make us believe that Hollywood is out to get us.

      Cite specific examples (“dog whistles” and hidden intents do not qualify)? 😛

      Edit: And over here we’re told that we at SpecFaith defend sinful “consuming visual media with real life nudity, sexual portrayal and or the verbal abuse of [God’s] name” and that we endorse the “production and onscreen portrayal of sex and nudity in true to life visual cinematic realism with real people.” It’s not true to say that “when representatives of two extremes criticize you, you must be doing something right” (and are therefore above any criticism) … but it could be a hint. 🙂

      • notleia says:

        Well, I’d say pretty much anything by Miller, especially these last two weeks. She may not believe that Hollywood is specifically out to get us, but she seems to think that Hollywood’s not being particularly concerned with being “Biblical” or whatever somehow contaminates us or Satan uses it to get us or some other thing that comes off as paranoid. And I tend to lump all the paranoid types together (though I’ll admit that’s may not be fair), because either they’re delicate little snowflakes who think a non-climate-controlled environment will ruin their faith or they think everyone else is.

      • I tend to lump all the paranoid types together (though I’ll admit that’s may not be fair)

        True. 🙂

        I do re-refer to the accusations about Rebecca’s view as one bonus proof that her view is not nearly as separatist as one might assume from a casual overview.

        Hollywood’s not being particularly concerned with being “Biblical” or whatever somehow contaminates us or Satan uses it to get us or some other thing that comes off as paranoid.

        At the risk of writing a “position statement,” Rebecca’s concern — which I share — is that some Christians often presume that conservative, family-friendly entertainment is “safe” and beyond discernment. Her criticism has actually focused on that angle. The application is not therefore “shut off your brain and fear” but instead “keep your brain on and active at all times; be courageous.”

        • notleia says:

          It reads like so much unwarranted CONSTANT VIGILANCE to me, unwarranted because there is no Voldemort and Death Eater Gestapo that is actually threatening people (I don’t believe in a literal, personified Devil, so I don’t find the ethereal Screwtapeisms convincing). I think the delicate-snowflake criticism still stands, because I find it condescending how the old pontificators (like John Piper) assume that people are incapable of finding our own tolerances and limits.

  6. Well, silly me. All I thought he meant was that no woman would have him.

  7. Julie D says:

    Good grief, really? And I thought Tumblr stares into the abyss too long…. (in full disclosure, I spend more time on Tumblr than any other social media site.)

  8. dmdutcher says:

    I expect in “How to Train Your Dragon 3” we’ll see Gobber the Belch’s impending nuptials with Professor Dumbledore put at risk by an evil invading swarm of fundamentalist dragons.

What do you think?