1. Galadriel says:

    What? You can’t keep doing this to us. Come on, isn’t there some rule about cliffhangers in the author’s code of conduct? (If there is, I’m probably guilty of breaking it too.)

  2. OK, Fred, I can’t believe you had your character trip! Do you KNOW how many characters trip as they are running away from danger? It’s about 83 out of every 100.

    Not that I’ve actually taken notes or found research on the subject. I just like making up statistics to support a point. 😉

    Seriously, some years ago I was in a writing mentor group at the Mount Hermon Christian writer’s group. As we began giving our critiques, someone noticed that several of us had included a character with a “bony finger.” Really? Since when did that become a cliched element? I hadn’t noticed.

    Now it’s the tripping character, but this time I am noticing. I may throw the next novel with a tripping character right against the wall. Uh, I don’t want to do that with my computer, though, so could we please steer clear of any tripping in the conclusion> 😆

    This has indeed been fun, Fred. Love your humor and your imagination.


    • Fred Warren says:

      So…this would be number 84, and I’ve got no problems with your math. All statistics are made-up. That was one of the great disappointments of my graduate studies.

      Yes, I knew the trip was about as cliché as it gets, but he really left me no choice–sticky-jointed puppet running across an uneven surface turns to look behind him, and gravity, like the moon, is a harsh mistress.

      Looking back on it, I’d have to admit the story is chock-full of clichés. In one sense, it’s about clichés.

      There will be no tripping in the conclusion. I guarantee there will be multiple clichés.


  3. […] when we left our intrepid hero, Intaglio, the animated, authorial marionette who’s “got no strings to hold him […]

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