1. Sam says:

    I found this series this morning and promptly read all four. Absolutely fantastic! I cannot wait for the conclusion.

  2. Galadriel says:

    He has to get out of there! Aggh!

  3. […] Last time, before my hard drive crashed, we left our hero Intaglio, aspiring writer and magically-vivified marionette, unconscious in a grimy alley adjoining the town plaza on Total Freedom Island, where writers are free, free, free to write, write, write whatever they want, want, want and get paid, paid, paid for it. His friend Marge had perceived something amiss in this literary paradise and was trying to convince Intaglio to depart with her, but he’d been overindulging in ginger beer and collapsed mid-conversation into an inebriated coma. If you’re thoroughly confused, begin your foray into this small madness at Part 1. Otherwise, intrepid reader, on to Part 5 and the thrilling conclusion of The Legend of Intaglio… […]

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