1. Travis C says:

    I want to preempt the comments a little bit this week. First, a huge thanks to Travis P for his effort last week: that was a lot of information and hard to follow! Second, I hope you all stick around if even maths isn’t your thing. This needn’t be rocket surgery, only a possible tool in your author toolkit. Use what works for you!

    Lastly, there’s as many ways to approach this as there are authors and perspectives. Every number above could have been approached differently and I’d say “Sure. You can do that.” For me, my takeaway was having a justification for the circumstances I create. If I want my war wolves (or whatever creature) to be outside of a reader’s natural expectations, I owe them some basis for my decisions. I mean, I want a pack of Fenrir’s in my army, but I have to be honest about why my giant wolves won’t just eat all the horses.

    (And a special shout out to my sister Katie whose birthday inspired my fictional heroine!)

What do you think?