1. Becky says:

    I saw this book at my local library and passed it up. Now I’m kicking myself.

    • Scanning the bookstore’s fantasy/sci-fi section is a guilty pleasure of mine.  I love basking in the cover art, but know the contents will likely disappoint.  Not so with Sanderson.

      So cease kicking thyself and spring into action, for The Way of Kings is only $2.99 on Kindle right now.  That’s three-tenths of a cent per page!

      • Leanna says:

        You raised my hopes only for them to plummet back into the chasm. The Kindle edition is almost $11 🙁 Was it really only $2.99 for a moment and I missed it??? :'(

        • The page I’m looking at says it’s still $2.99.  Click the link I included in my earlier comment and you should see the same thing.

          • Leanna says:

            Nope. 🙁
            Can Amazon change the price based on what your country of origin is? I’m on Amazon.COM not .CA but my IP address is Canadian and Amazon.COM knows that… Wanna gift it to me and I could paypal you? o:)

  2. Kessie says:

    That sounds fantastic! I just can’t commit to 1k pages, though. It takes me 3 solid weeks to read a book that long.

  3. merechristian says:

    I have decided to read this and Words of Radiance. I gave up the first time about a third of the way or so through as the constant breaking of Kaladin was too depressing for me, but I’ll try it again as I hear that he actually is rewarded for doing the right thing eventually.

    The only problem that I would say is that I think that Sanderson gave a tad TOO much focus on Kaladin’s sorrow and brokenness, at least what I read before. Granted the book is almost twice as long, but in Mistborn: The Final Empire, the story skipped forward a bit, so we saw Vin’s development of trust in Kelsier and the others more quickly. That is still my favorite of the Mistborn trilogy, as I must admit I do like more idealistic stories, and I despise depressing books. But his other works are such that I’ll give it a try.

    Please do not compare a brilliant author like Sanderson to the late Jordan. God rest his soul, but Jordan was an overly wordy guy whose prose was incredibly unwieldy. To quote tvtropes.com, you’d be drunk if you played a drinking game and took a swig for every time Jordan described Aes Sedai “serenity” or the design of the girls’ dresses. Sanderson is incredibly economical in the way he uses words. Nothing is there to be wordy and he makes every word necessary. With him, his works are filled with necessary content, while with the late Jordan and many, many other authors, their works are arguably a third or more of filler.

    So I am going to try this again. I just have to get through the depressing parts.

    • As someone who finished The Eye of the World with absolutely zero desire to read even one sequel, let alone ten, I’d never dream of comparing Sanderson to Jordan.  Jordan has the incredible ability to imbue his characters with powers of perpetual annoyingness, while Sanderson, on the other hand, writes about people I’m able to love with my whole heart no matter what their function in the plot.  The differences are stark, and they’re all in Sanderson’s favor.

      But as I wasn’t reviewing Robert Jordan, I felt no compunction to dis him.  I know there’s a lot of people out there who read his stuff rather fervently, and I’d hate to offend ’em unnecessarily.  Because they’ll love Sanderson, too.

    • As for Kaladin’s agony, it’s probably the element of the book I respect the most.  Here there are no shortcuts, no loopholes, no elided timelines, no easy outs.  You the reader are made to watch as your favorite character and his fellows are brutalized again and again and again and again until your genre-savvy timer has long since expired and you’re actually there with them in the chasms and on the plateaus, your hope waning, your mental fortitude beaten, your cheap confidence overthrown.  Just when you think Kaladin’s finally outsmarted his circumstances, the mat gets yanked out from under him.  Just as you think he’s getting a handle on things, double is demanded.  Just when you think his life can’t possibly get worse, it does.  It’s on the Shattered Plains that Brandon Sanderson reveals his story’s true scope.  It’s a scope not of sight but of emotion, a depth not of theme but of credibility.  You can’t help but sympathize with Kaladin.  You can’t help but admire him.  And, in the end, you can’t help but weep and rejoice as the seeds of his suffering bear fruit so glorious it’s almost painful to behold.

      In The Way of Kings, victory doesn’t come cheap.  It’s earned through pain and blood and sorrow and death.  But there’s stormlight at the end of the chasm.

      And darkness makes that light shine brighter.

      • merechristian says:

        I’ll give it a try since you and others have vouched for the triumph at the end. I have a natural aversion to dark and edgy, but if this isn’t that, I’ll read it. Just started today.

        I will say that part of my thing is that I need a “reward” of good winning to read negative stuff. What I mean by that is that I need more than just an “interesting character profile” or an “examination of humanity”, so forth. I only made it about a hundred pages into Wuthering Heights, for example, before I chucked it.

        Now that I know there is a happy scene for Kaladin, I’ll give it a try.

  4. merechristian says:

    It’s ironic, by the by. In the aftermath of the expanded reviews here, you submit this, and I’ve been tweaking an old review of Mistborn: Hero of Ages, to submit. I think I’ll work up reviews on each of the three books to submit.

  5. Julie D says:

    I’ve read Way of Kings, as well as a few of his other books, and while I wouldn’t rate Sanderson on my top ten list, I second everything in this review

  6. LadyArin says:

    Yay for people who love these books too! I’m not the only one in my family who’s read Sanderson, but i’m the only one who’s read Way of Kings and i’m the one with a passion for his books. I pre-ordered Words of Radiance and read all of it in a 24-hour period, and am intending to read it again very soon.

    I understand that Kaladin’s despair can be hard to read — i found it the same when i first read it. Personally, i appreciated it because it isn’t often that you find a book where the main character is allowed to come so close to breaking completely. And i found the resolution to his arc wonderful. 

    The Stormlight Archive is Sanderon’s finest work to date, in my opinion, and i loved Words of Radiance even more than the first book. 

    • merechristian says:

      Like I said earlier, so long as I get rewarded with Kaladin’s happy scenes, I’m good.
      24 hourse for 1,108 pages? Seriously? Wow! I wish I could read that fast. I’m impressed and kinda jealous.

  7. Jim Laney says:

    If you like Sanderson, then check out Brent Weeks. Be warned that Weeks is a hard R rated writer, compared to Sanderson’s PG. Both seem to come from a Mormon worldview. ( why is it Mormons can write great fiction but Protestants cannot?)

    • Jim, that question has galled me for years. I’d like to believe it’s ’cause their religion is pure fiction, but, realistically, I think it has more to do with Mormanism’s emphasis on eternal influence and responsibility. While Protestants tend to visualize their afterlife through the paintstrokes of 15th-century apostates with a thing for bland cloudscapes and obese urchins, Mormons are busy imagining themselves as the kings and queens of their own planets. They’re highly motivated to wrestle with issues of creativity and leadership, since they expect to put those qualities to eternal use. But Christians? Christians expect to spend eternity singing praise mantras.
      And yet we’re told we’ll judge angels (1 Cor. 6:2-3). What awaits us on the other side of death is not some kind of heavenly retirement home, but more life and activity and responsibility than we have ever imagined or been capable of shouldering before. In this one area of thought, we really do need to wake up and be more like the Mormons.

      • In this one area of thought, we really do need to wake up and be more like the Mormons.

        I think Catholics might disagree with you on who Protestants should emulate. 🙂
        PS (and apologies for the off topic nature of this comment): how did I miss all this time that you are a filmmaker? It’s great to know there’s another person involved in the world of entertainment around here (even I’m mostly on the theatre end of that spectrum).

        • I work on the corporate end of the video production spectrum, I’m afraid.  Feature film work is a far-off dream for me right now, but one I intend to be prepared for if its opportunity materializes.  Theater is great — very different from film in some ways, very similar in others.  When I was in college, we in the video production program were deeply indebted to that group of theater majors who were willing to bridge the gap between disciplines.

  8. Jay says:

    So, after reading all the books thus far, I think I may have picked up on something. I’ll keep this brief: I think Sanderson is trying to paint Odium as the GOD of the Bible as he views HIM. I don’t want to give too much away in case people haven’t read the books, but think about it if you’ve read them.

  9. Might this be a better alternative to ASOIAF

What do you think?