1. MGalloway says:

    I’m currently listening to an audiobook about cave exploration…and well…I’ve learned that in some instances, people can spend up to 2-3 weeks at a time exploring, camping, climbing cliffs, and scuba-diving through lakes. The startling part is that they spend all that time undergound.

    As far as the Bible, everytime I start thinking I’ve got a handle on it, God shows me otherwise…so He will always be a teacher for me. For example, I’m continually discovering new connections between the individual books as well as individual passages.

    It reminds me of a quote Dr. Adrian Rogers once made…and I’m paraphrasing here…but something to the effect that when he started out teaching the Bible, he couldn’t figure out how he could make it last a year. After fifty years of preaching, he realized he would never get to the bottom of it.

  2. Galadriel says:

    A good thing to remember. It’s easy for me to get tired of certian areas, especially Bible things.

  3. Kaci Hill says:

    Amen to that. I’m unfortunately known to mysteriously not show up if I know two or three subjects are going to be the sermon topic.  I know it’s bad…

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