1. Ken Rolph says:

    Writers can spend a lot of time with people who get between us and the readers. Publishers, editors, printers, critique groups. These are all close to us, but can be either a bridge to readers or a gate to stop us getting to readers. We spend our time trying to sell our vision to an editor or publisher and forget that these people are not really our readers.

    I guess one of the attractions of blogging is that it disintermediates the path between us and readers. But this can lead us to a very small audience. Readers are out there. How do we get to them? I’m awaiting the arrival of a book from the printer at present. I’ve been trying to imagine it in the hands of readers. But I fear my pleasant imaginations are a vapour. I sent a draft of the book to a good friend, and she didn’t read it for 6 months. It’s hard to find readers who are as committed to our writing as we are.

    • Very true!

      I attended a business-of-publishing conference last year that represented a breakthrough for me in how I thought about marketing. I’ve always hated the idea of selling myself as an author. But the speakers talked a lot about social media and how it allows us to build relationships with readers; marketing, according to them, is much less about sales and much more about relationships.

      A-ha! I thought, as one of the few Christians in the room. I can do that! That’s not marketing, it’s missions!

      I haven’t necessarily figured out how to do it effectively, but I do find the perspective helpful. And yes, on a practical level, blogging is a big part of it.

What do you think?