1. Pam Halter says:

    You wrote: You’re just sharing your story, so we can chase joy together.

    I love this SO much! Thank you for this and the previous article. Thank you for speaking truth about the shaming memes. Man, I hate them, too. “If you’re not ashamed of Jesus, you’ll share this meme.” UGH!!!! I want to shout, “Stop! Just stop!” hahahaha!!

    I’m planning to self publish my fantasy novel, so your posts have helped. I wasn’t sure how to handle things with marketing, but I’m making notes now. Yay! Thanks, again! 😀

  2. Kessie says:

    You know, I read a lot of advice articles, and nobody has EVER suggested tweeting a lot of fun book excerpts before. That is stellar advice. One author I follow, Rachel Aaron, makes her funnier quotes into meme pics, and I enjoy them very much. Thanks for the great advice!

  3. Lisa says:

    Thanks for a great post. “Surprise me.” YES! That capsulated something I feel but couldn’t articulate quite so succinctly. All of the this, the writing and the marketing, is such a challenge. But a fun one if you can set aside the pressure of the “sale”.

  4. MereChristian says:

    Thank you for this piece and the biblical distinction between “selfishness” and “self-interest”. Too many folks miss that. Have for so many years. Lewis dealt with this too in terms of Heaven. God wants us to look forward to the rewards in Heaven and work for them.

  5. Eric says:

    There are three types of marketing that I typically respond to:

    1. Word-of-Mouth, especially if it’s coming from a trusted member of a fandom or fan community. I bought the (somewhat expensive) M.R. James collection “A Pleasing Terror” solely because it was regularly referenced on “A Podcast to the Curious.”

    2. Plot synopses. Yes, every book has them, but, just like the books themselves, some clearly stand out from others. A synopsis that gets me to buy the book usually does the following:
    – Briefly introduces me to the setting, plot and protagonist
    – Implies whether the book’s overall tone will be funny or serious
    – Raises questions; this is typically done by giving the protagonist a desire or goal and then stacking the odds against them to the point that I’m intrigued and asking myself how they’ll overcome these obstacles. Another common way to do this is by mentioning a mystery for the hero to solve or a (typically horrible or terrifying) secret that’s waiting to be uncovered; if done right, I’ll want to know the answers to the mystery or the nature of the secret, so badly, in fact, that I opt to buy.

    3. Free excerpts. These give me an idea whether the novel actually lives up to the aforementioned word-of-mouth and/or synopsis.

    What’s really great about this article is that it made me realize that an author isn’t limited to making these free excerpts available via sites like Amazon or SmashWords; they can put passages on their social media pages too; plus, they aren’t limited to passages from the beginning of the book like they would be with those Kindle Store samples.

  6. I so enjoy that you used that image from Ratatouille. Perfect choice. That moment when one taste opened up a whole flashback of memory and nostalgia for the critic. A story excerpt can do that — engage our imaginations, delight us and transport us. I’ve believed for a while that this (sharing the story itself) is an approach that works well. Glad to see other people promoting it.

What do you think?