1. Zachary, it’s like you’ve been listening in on the rants I’ve been subjecting my poor family to! C. S. Lewis recalled in his autobiography, Surprised By Joy, that as a young adult, he was on the lookout for books that seemed to understand the nitty-gritty of life. As a (sort of) atheist, he was frustrated that the books that most fit that description were written by Christians. Of course, he later became a Christian, but I don’t think he ever set out to be a Christian writer. He was just interested in a particular story and wrote it the way the story came to him and pleased him. Tolkien, as you pointed out, insisted that LOTR wasn’t allegorical, yet we can clearly see Christian elements in it. The point: Neither was TRYING to be a Christian writer.

    Fast forward to today, and a new generation of Christian writers all want to be the next Lewis or Tolkien and use speculative fiction as an evangelism tool, but it feels formulaic and overtly evangelistic. (I did laugh when you mentioned that “Frodo would be actively evangelizing Gollum”–too true!) I think we’ve forgotten what made Lewis and Tolkien’s stories actually WORK, for Christian and non-Christian alike. Lewis, in fact, argued for Christianity to be latent:

    “What we want is not more little books about Christianity, but more little books by
    Christians on other subjects—with their Christianity latent. You can see this most
    easily if you look at it the other way around. Our faith is not very likely to be
    shaken by any book on Hinduism. But if whenever we read an elementary book
    on Geology, Botany, Politics, or Astronomy, we found that its implications were
    Hindu, that would shake us. It is not the books written in direct defense of
    Materialism that make the modern man a materialist; it is the materialistic
    assumptions in all the other books. In the same way, it is not books on
    Christianity that will really trouble him. But he would be troubled if, whenever he
    wanted a cheap popular introduction to some science, the best work on the
    market was always by a Christian.”

    And, in closing, I leave with another quote by Martin Luther:
    “The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.”

  2. HG Ferguson says:

    Zachary, I agree with you in the main about the shallowness of what passes for much of Christian entertainment, these days, and you rightly decry the absence of craft and quality. But let me offer a bit of counterbalance. You speak of worldview, and rightly so. But I can give you a counter list of your items that “christianize” LOTR. Today we have a plethora of stories by professing Christian writers that bear little to no resemblance to what is actually said in the Bible, but ape closely the works they imitate by writers who most certainly do not share the same worldview we are supposed to have. In this world, our world, the world as God made it and is governed by the Bible and the Bible alone, there is no “good magic” for example. Nowhere from Genesis to Revelation is magic ever called “good.” It is called something else, toevah, a Hebrew word meaning something so repulsive it makes one vomit at the sight of it. This does NOT mean we cannot enjoy great fantasy stories like Harry Potter or Alan Garner’s forgotten masterpiece The Weirdstone of Brisingamen — as stories, to delight and, if I may say, enchant us. But God’s servants in this world, our world, do not practice magic, nor should it be called good, nor should we do so because it is popular and lucrative to do so. We are fast moving toward “christian wizards” and at this rate it won’t be long before someone dares to call the Lord Jesus Himself “the great wizard” and think he is serving God. Ghosts are also becoming quite popular in Christian novels now and while I like a good ghost story (The Haunting, The Turn of the Screw, the film version of Ghost Story) and am writing one myself for publication this fall [Jezebelle], too many of these same tales are bringing in notions of unfinished business, contacting the dead, even mediums cast in a favorable light (something damned by God in the strongest terms [Is. 8:19ff]). These notions do not reflect a biblical worldview nor do they honor the God of all Truth. In our zeal to make good quality shoes, let’s not carve a pentagram on top so people might actually buy them. Let us not be like the world, nor write like the world. That’s my plea, let’s craft our stories according to the Way God has crafted His. Thank you for calling us back to quality and a desire to please Him.

    • notleia says:

      I has a confused. Just how did we get from deploring poor storytelling to warning against magic? Because fiction?

  3. Mike Duran did a very powerful post the other day about what’s edgy for some is obscene for others, or in some cases, tame to some as well. And then he went on to say how some Christian readers don’t want to read about anything that may throw them out of their comfort zone. A lot of people freak out the use of magic, swearing, sex, and other vices a bunch of people on Earth actually do.

    I think my response may go a little bit off topic so forgive me. For me, I enjoy a good horror story (not gore — that’s just torture porn for some people) and I’ve come to appreciate a horror writer who is Christian by the name of Jess Hanna. I listened to his R-rated short story on the Untold Podcast a few weeks back entitled, If it causes you to sin.

    Perhaps some would say the idea has been done before, and maybe it has, but Hanna’s depiction of this story to me went to the root of the human condition. The character in the narrative doesn’t state whether or not he’s Christian. He just comes to the conclusion that the voices in his head are accusing him of sins. So many sins and it grieved him. He tried to ignore them but they kept bothering him until he decided to cut off his hand. Then the voices get quieter as he goes about trying to discover the best way of doing it.

    The story struck me particularly because it’s horror element showed something I don’t some people appreciate — the reality of a truly repentant heart. The character knew he’d sin, acknowledged it, and wanted some way to atone for it. Now, of course, most of us know that when Jesus said this, he was speaking metaphorically. But the point was that the main character reminded me of a very twisted, but quite logical depiction of the publican who Jesus used in his parable about the Pharisee and the publican who went to pray. Horror, to me, shows the depravity of the human condition, pulls back the veneer of humanism, and lifts the veil of total transcendence and points quite clearly at the human heart God understands so very well. That the heart is ‘desperately wicked’. In Hanna’s story, the character is truly repentant but he doesn’t understand the grace of God and feels compelled to atone for his sins, which is quite logical despite the madness of the idea.

    Hanna represents those of us under the massive umbrella of speculative fiction who find a certain attraction to the dark nature of human heart but understand the call of God’s light from the darkness. Of course, in Hanna’s short, he could have had a HEA ending where the character realizes the importance of God’s grace — but he doesn’t! It’s a frightening tale of the limitations of human atonement for our sins without the blood of Christ.

    Yet, some Christians would COMPLETELY MISS THE POINT because they heard the word ‘horror’. Yet, as I mentioned earlier, there are people who are naturally attracted to darkness. They don’t try to hide from it; they embrace it. A fictional character I’ll use is Heath Ledger’s depiction of the Joker. The Joker, having grown up with a rough childhood, embraced the darkness within himself. And at one point in the movie, he puts two sets of people against each other because he wanted to see the human heart at its worse. He got a full grasp on the human condition which some people refuse to accept.

    All of that to say that in Christian entertainment, darkness SHOULD exist, and to pretend it doesn’t shows a lack of realism. I used horror to illustrate my point with Hanna’s short story. For anyone who wants to listen to it, you can to to untoldpodcast dot com which is a podcast for Christian spec fiction of a wide variety.

    Thanks for letting me say my two cents.

What do you think?