1. My reaction was a bad one for sure. I’m not a fan of his in general, and, to be honest and shallow, couldn’t really imagine his mouth fitting well with the mask. BUT it still wasn’t fair of me to judge so quickly. And I’m not even a geek. 😉

    • sarahdgrimm says:

      I am SO glad someone else brought up the mouth thing! I just can’t see his smile with a Batman mask. But then, Batman doesn’t really smile … ever.

      I’ll admit, my reaction wasn’t great either because I also saw Daredevil. *sigh* But, I’m willing to give it a shot–if the movie previews can convince me.

  2. Sure, I thought it was stupid. But Hollywood makes a lot of decisions like that. Some turn out better than I’d hoped.

    I haven’t been much of a fan of the recent Batman movies. Not for any great geek reasons, they just lost my interest with all the dark-dark-moody approach. I could probably go back and watch them and get something enjoyable from the experience, but it’s not a big deal.

    Overall, the comic book superhero movies that have come out were only so-so (Spider-Man, Elektra, Daredevil, etc, etc) — until recently with the stuff leading up to the Avengers release. I never intended to see Thor’s movie, figuring it would be so-so. I was never a Thor fan. Then I happened to watch it and despite my bias against it, I liked it. It was fun.

    Anyway… I know you were tongue-in-cheek about Christian geeks, but for the record I don’t think we have a harder time. Everybody has their pet peeves. Ours just involve more things that don’t exist in the real world than the average Christian.

  3. The Affleck backlash reminds me a lot of the why-not-a-female-Doctor backlash. It all amounts to nothing more than people kibitzing about other people’s art. It’s more a waste of time than a character flaw.

    Can geeks be good Christians? Yes. Some of the best Christians I know are geeks. And vice versa, now that I think about it. I don’t think geeks kibitz and kvetch more than other people; we just kibitz and kvetch about different things.

    • I reacted briefly and negatively to the Affleck news based on what I now realize was media-trained reflexes. The last time Affleck was really in the news was when he was making what most folks believe to be bad movies. That’s the lingering cultural perception of him. But now he’s making far better films, yet fewer pay attention.

      Hmm. Sounds a lot like Christian fiction. Or Christians doing other things.

  4. Like Teddi, I’ve lost interest in the Batman movies so I could care less who they cast as I don’t plan to watch it anyway. But that being said, my hubby & I must be in the minority because we actually enjoyed Daredevil and were annoyed they deleted him out of Electra.

    As for geeks being good Christians – I don’t really understand the question. What natural tendencies? Being too attached to fictional characters? Everyone has something they feel passionately about, whether it be something “geeky” or not. And reeling in our initial unChristian responses when something hurts our passion is part of our development as Christians.

  5. Galadriel says:

    I’ve had a few Christian geek moments where the worlds collide awkwardly…like, we were discussing regeneration and I was dying to inject a DW example. But I don’t think this is a either-or. I mean, can a circle be yellow?

  6. Izzy says:

    I don’t think it’s unchristian to believe that someone was miscast in a role. I don’t think it’s unchristian to not be a fan of an actor/actress, or to believe a certain actor/actress lacks talent. As long as there are no personal attacks, of course.

    As for my opinion on the casting, I haven’t seen enough of Ben Affleck, or read enough DC Comics, to really have an opinion on the casting. 😉

  7. Mickey Kit says:

    There’s critical viewing/reading, and there’s snarkiness. I wrote a nasty review of The Hobbit movie, which I hated. Much of my dislike of the movie is sourced in Martin Freeman’s performance. I was uncomfortable with how comfortable I had become in publicly tearing someone down.

    Now, my blog is modest. There’s no chance that Freeman would ever read it. I wasn’t worried he would be offended. I was worried that I would misrepresent the “…of Christ” part of my name.

    I don’t know if there’s a universal rule. For me, I reread what I had written after it posted and I took it down. Actually, I prayed about it and took it down. Right now, it’s sitting in my “Scheduled” folder for a publication date of December 25, 2050.

  8. I sure hope the movie turns out to be good. Fingers crossed!

What do you think?