1. Pam Halter says:

    Thank you for this!  A good lesson for even those of us who write an occasional book review on amazon, too.

  2. Maybe I’m missing the full context of this series, but aren’t most reviews by readers? I mean, some people consider themselves “reviewers” as if it were a job or their website is devoted to providing reviews, and your article here seems almost more pointed at them than the average reader who writes a review.

    The whole thing about not considering a review some kind of holy jihad against poor writing is well said and applicable to all. I just didn’t quite get the part about a reviewer just reviewing something for what it is. As if all we do is just hold up a mirror and state what the story is about.

    The story blurb and description already does that, or should. Isn’t our job, as readers who are sharing what we think with other readers, to say what we liked or didn’t like? To share how the book made us feel and whether or not we enjoyed it?

    • The story blurb and description already does that, or should. Isn’t our job, as readers who are sharing what we think with other readers, to say what we liked or didn’t like? To share how the book made us feel and whether or not we enjoyed it?

      Of course.

      In my experience, all book blurbs fall short of capturing what the book really is, and some are actively misleading. (It may just be space-constraints.) I meant reviewing a book “for what it is” very broadly – a mystery, a romance, confusing, thrilling, fascinating, whatever you think of it.

      Maybe it would have been better expressed by saying you should just review the book itself. My main point was simply to come without an agenda, and not to unjustly turn a review into a battleground for some ongoing literary or cultural war.

      I suppose my article is more pointed to people who are active reviewers, and identified as such. It wasn’t by design, though. I wasn’t thinking of reviewers in categories. When you review a book, you’re a reviewer, and the principles of good reviewing are always the same.

      Thanks for your points. Hopefully I’ve succeeded in clarifying what I wrote.

  3. Lauren Lynch says:

    A good reviewer should also be willing! As a new author, I have never been more aware of how much a review means to both author and potential reader. I vow to leave more reviews in the future and to put more effort into them. Regardless of reader response, they are oh so valuable! They can encourage … or, if mediocre, challenge and inspire. (And a bit of constructive criticism, if worded kindly, doesn’t necessarily make you a corrections officer.) Common themes among a number of reviews reveal the truth about a book.

    • Common themes among a number of reviews reveal the truth about a book.

      I think that’s true. When I look at Amazon reviews now, I look for what the reviews have in common, even if they put a different spin on it. For example, if one reviewer says, “It moved so fast I wasn’t always sure what was happening” and another says, “The action kept me on the edge of my seat” – then I know the book is fast-paced. (What I don’t know, unfortunately, is whether it is too fast.)

      Authors often make excellent reviewers. They understand it from both the reader’s and the writer’s side, and they ought to have a trained eye for their craft. The biggest pitfall is that they might be biased for – or against – their fellow authors.

    • I like blog tours for the very reason that they give me an opportunity to see what multiple people thought about the book. Common observations, then, show me if I missed something in my reading. Or perhaps they validate my thoughts. Either way, the multiplicity of voices gives a more rounded view of the book.


  4. dmdutcher says:

    The problem though is that the bad cliches, low standards, etc are what cause the review, and the jihad tends to usually result from reading many, many books with them. At some point you start to get tired of the same things repeating themselves, and then you begin to mention them in reviews. I don’t think it always becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in that you start to assume all books have these qualities, but it can if you get jaded enough.

What do you think?