1. Another interesting place I’ve seen this theme is in Hakuoki Reimeiroku (the prequel/third season of Hakuoki) the chars of that show deal with a difficult commander (Serizawa) whose influence they need to accomplish their goal. Yet, Serizawa is also cruel and problematic, and sometimes when others around him protest, he will point out that they have gained little results up until now. He questions their resolve and says ‘You don’t even know how to play the villain, do you?’

    Serizawa is a stark contrast to the weak main char, Ibuki, and the other characters begin to realize a lot of things because of Ibuki and Serizawa. One thing is that, even if they don’t want to replicate Serizawa’s behavior, not everyone is as good and noble as they are, and they have to have the resolve and power needed to deal with people like Serizawa. Sometimes that involves doing things they don’t like. There’s a lot to be gathered from this show, but one thing is that if we focus too much on being ‘nice’, or as stubborn as Ibuki started out, we will end up too weak to protect ourselves or others, which is reprehensible. But, if we go too much the other way, we become a huge problem, like Serizawa.

    In one Batman movie, I actually felt frustrated with Batman’s refusal to kill Joker(during The Dark Knight I believe) A general avoidance of killing would be understandable and even important, but with Joker in that movie, it was probably wrong. Batman unnecessarily sacrificed lots of lives in order to uphold his own personal moral code of not killing anyone. In this particular situation, that probably wasn’t the right thing to do. Batman would have felt like killing was too dark, but in this one instance, refusing to permanently end Joker’s reign seems even darker.

    When people say ‘You have to embrace your dark side’, the truth is probably more along the lines of things like’you have to be stronger,’ or ‘You can’t let people run all over you.’

  2. Travis Perry says:

    Great commentary.

    It reminds me of the fundamental lesson of the Lord of the Rings–like Sauron’s ring, evil cannot be used to fight evil other than temporarily. To break the cycle of evil requires something much more fundamental than lurking in the dark and punching bad guys in the face.

What do you think?