1. Kaci Hill says:

    Sorry I don’t have anything to add. This is such a lovely post. One thing the OT will definitely teach you is that God is not offended by our honesty with him, and that he’s quite aware of our frailties and mortality. But I think that’s why he make such a point in Scripture to keep us focused and encouraged.

    A friend of mine quoted her pastor at the time once from one of his sermons, “Death follows us close” – the whole idea being on a legacy.

    For myself, I think if I get there and God and I greet each other like old friends, it’ll be enough.

    Again, thanks much.

  2. KC says:

    “What we do today is a vehicle for interaction with an impending eternity.”

    Wow. Just, wow.

  3. C.L. Dyck says:

    Thanks, on both comments.

    Kaci, death does indeed follow us close…but along with that, one of Marc’s recurring focuses that has really inspired my perspective is his take on “the real.” I’ve also heard him speak on it, which is a fabulous experience, but here’s the readable version: http://www.marcschooley.com/blog/?p=546

    “God is not offended by our honesty with Him”

    So true. If anything, it’s the opposite: what offends God is when we try to pretend He doesn’t see all those truths about us, so that we can pretend we don’t see them either. Convicting stuff, that OT.

  4. Morgan Busse says:

    “There’s a place where I know God in a way that’s unique to me. And where God knows me as only He does, permanently.”

    Only God knows the deep places inside of me. No one else will, not even my husband. He knows every thought, every feeling, every hurt, every question.

    Excellent post 🙂

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