1. What an utter scream! Can’t wait for the next installment.

  2. Jill says:

    I thought the men in fedoras were just my imagination.

  3. Excellent! Fred at his best! Love your humor; love the way you use it to say something important. Looking forward to next week’s column.


  4. Galadriel says:

    That is hilarious. But did you have to include the part about “get a day job?” My dad was just mentioning that tonight…

  5. kim says:

    I like the fact that the puppet had 2 days of writing knowledge.  LOL!!! 

  6. […] Last week, we left our hero chained to a table in a literary sweatshop, where he was forced to write really lousy stories. […]

  7. […] you’ve not been following along, it’s probably best to begin at Part 1. For the rest of you, onward to Part […]

  8. […] you’re joining us for the first time today, you may want to start with Part 1, as this mess tale is less confusing best appreciated when read from the very […]

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