1. Galadriel says:

    >I’ll leave mention of everyone’s favorite time-tripping Doctor to our resident fans.

    *takes permission and runs away with it!*

    Although explicite romance really only became a part of the show with the revival, there were some elements in the Classic series as well.  The First Doctor inadvertantly got married to an Aztec woman, and the Eighth was the first to kiss a companion.
    New Doctors:
    Nine had the beginnings of something with Rose, but didn’t act on it until after the whole Bad Wolf thing…
    Ten: Primarily Rose, but also made kissyface at Madame du Pompedour, Astrid, and Queen Elizabeth I.  Possibly others that I can’t remember
    Eleven…has something kissy going on with River Song at some point in his knotty future, and a finally disclosed kissyface with the TARDIS. (The latter is not as weird as it sounds. Watch The Doctor’s Wife. Tearjerker:(

    Rose: kissyface on the Doctor.
    Martha: onesided kissyface
    Donna: NO KISSYFACE 🙂
    Amy–She has…issues. And a job as a kissagram. But when she and Rory stop pussyfooting around, they make a wonderful couple.

    I think my favorite Whoniverse couples are Amy and Rory and River and the Doctor. They compliment each other well and make good use of the difficulties in timey-whimy romance.

    To reuse quotes I placed on the last post:

    River Song about the Doctor:
        Every time we meet, I know him more, he knows me less. I live for the days when I see him. But I know that every time I do, I’m one step further away. The day’s coming when I’ll look into that man’s eyes, my Doctor, and he won’t have the faintest idea who I am. And I think it’s going to kill me.

    Rory to the Doctor about Amy’s time in the Pandorica:
    Rory: Will she be safer if I stay? Look me in the eye and tell me she wouldn’t be safer.
    Doctor: Rory…
    RoryAnswer me!
    Doctor: Yes. Obviously. 
    Rory: Then how could I leave her?

  2. Kessie says:

    To this whole column today, I have to say, “Hear hear!”

  3. Bob says:

    Why isn’t romantic love (unless you’re a Mormon or Muslim) a part of heaven’s experience? Sometimes the thought is deeply disappointing. Other times, it just makes sense – an eternal marriage to …

    • For the same reason we don’t do animal sacrifices anymore — Christ has fulfilled that earthly foreshadowing of  eternal reality.

      I’m quite sure, though, that husbands and wives will continue to be best friends in the New Heavens and New Earth (which will, after all, be very much like our physical Earth today, only cleansed of sin and transformed into that fantasy world under Christ’s rule). That’s what my wife and I promise each other, anyway! 😀

      Notwithstanding one particular benefit of marriage, I’m quite sure many of the others we know now — closeness, companionship, great conversation — will be fulfilled in the New Earth in other ways.

      That’s different from many Christian books imagining the after-world, though, which not only neglect the New Earth in favor of the present-day “intermediate state” Heaven, but seem to act as if God will “neuter” people’s desires or even wipe their memories. But it was George MacDonald who, when confronted with this notion, asked, “Shall we be greater fools in Paradise than we are here?” And that has Biblical support; after all, in the intermediate state (not yet the New Earth), believers know they were murdered (Rev. 5). So surely they’ll also recall old-Earth pleasures, and will find even greater fulfillment of them.

  4. Maria Tatham says:

    Fred, outstanding! writing, thinking, and sentiment! I enjoyed the responses!

  5. Fred Warren says:

    Galadriel: I like the fact that the Doctor always has a Companion. There might be short lapses, and it’s not always a romantic situation (e.g., K-9), but I think it’s significant that despite all his knowledge, experience, talents, and functional immortality, there’s still something missing in the Doctor’s life, and it takes another person to fill that void.

    Bob & Stephen: Though I don’t have any Biblical support for it, I suspect there will be room for romance in heaven–perfected romance, whatever that means. The Mormon idea of deified marriages overreaches, and a gender-neutral eternity of emotionless Platonic discourse seems something less than divine. At any rate, I’m content to wait for that part of God’s plan to be revealed, and I’m sure it will be much better than anything I can imagine. 

  6. […] And if you’d like to read more on the subject of love in speculative fiction, I recommend a series of Spec Faith posts published in 2011 by then columnist Fred Warren: Speculative Love, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. […]

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