1. JC Kamp says:

    Reminds me of the concept in science, what ever you observe you change. I guess it can be said that whatever you write about, you change.

    For me at the heart of all fiction is a question trying to be answered. I personally do not believe there is such thing as a sinful question that is asked with sincerity. If someone sincerely asks me “Do you think Jesus really rose from the dead?” I don’t get angry and start searching for the nearest stake to burn them at, instead I say “Great question let’s explore that.” So to me speculative Christian is a no brainier.

    But sadly, I know many Christians who disagree. To them their are certain questions you shouldn’t ask. Certain thoughts you shouldn’t think. Certain ideas you shouldn’t explore.

    I feel that if faith was certain it wouldn’t be faith. There is a certain uncertainty to faith. And if speculative Christian fiction helps us express and explore these uncertainties, then how can it be wrong.

  2. Dana says:

    Great article. I agree – ALL fiction is fantasy and readers know this going in.

  3. Brilliant piece! As a fellow weird-genre author, I agree with you on all counts. I love it!


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