1. dmdutcher says:

    Yeah, it was part of the kids SF/F movie renaissance of the eighties. You have it, Ladyhawke, The Black Hole, Dragonslayer, Flight of the Navigator, WarGames, and Labryinth. It was an unusual time where kids movies weren’t afraid to tackle serious themes. A great geek example of this is the movie Cloak and Dagger, although it’s more a thriller than spec fic.

    The mysticism is definitely a factor in the film though. I think the quiet horror of the ending scene works against the point they were trying to make about balance. As Christians, we believe evil and sin is fought by repentance, but the idea of evil being violently absorbed by good to me as a kid was chilling. One of Christianity’s strong points is that it explains evil without diminishing it nor people who practice it; it’s not an illusion or disease.

    • notleia says:

      YMMV on that last point.

      • dmdutcher says:

        I don’t know. I find it worse to be little more than an illusion of self-consciousness, a drop in the ocean dreaming he has identity. Or that current evil is a karmic burden due to sins of a past life.


        The ending of the DC where the Mystics finally complete their long journey and forcibly absorb the Skeksis back into themselves to create these combined greater entities always unnerved me. It didn’t help that the entities were pretty hideous either.

        END SPOILER (I wish we had spoiler tags in comments)

        I think people don’t really get the fatalistic aspect of eastern religions. In the west, things like Buddhism are blended with general New Age positive thinking, but the reality I think is far more amoral and pessimistic than  that.

What do you think?