1. Melissa L Ortega says:

    Oh my gosh, this is so beautifully written. I love this film dearly and this review is nearly just as beautiful. Well done. Well done. A film that was made for such a time as this.

  2. LM Burchfiel says:

    Protip to those who haven’t seen it: turn on the subtitles for Aisling’s whispered intro. But at least they’re real Irish accents *squee*!
    I’m surprised you didn’t talk about the art more, because it seemed too geometric for illuminated manuscripts. It looks more like an acid trip in a Picasso museum, but even if it takes a while to get used to, it’s interesting.
    Honestly, the straightforward story is meh, one we’ve heard a thousand times, but they do it pretty well with monk-who-looks-like-Willie-Nelson.

  3. dmdutcher says:

    The same studio did another film, Song of the Sea. Worth checking out if you like Kells, especially if you have a good tv and blu-ray player. Beautiful colors, both.

What do you think?