1. Christian Sirolli says:

    What do you think about those who say the Beast looks a lot like Baphomet? Research who Baphomet is if you don’t know.

    • notleia says:

      Or maybe the influence could be Pan — who was also the inspiration for Baphomet. In the French version made back in the 40’s (good movie, BTW), he was intended to have been stag-like in reference to the myth of Actaeon, but he ended up more lion-like (my guess because antlers would have been too difficult to pull off). Chances were that the live-action remakers were trying to distinguish theirs juuust enough from the animated one by going more goat-like than buffalo-like with the horns.

      But there are probably a porpskillion dissertations about animal-husband/wife folktales and the shades of meaning attached to which animal the bestial part was, all floating in the nether-world of EBSCO.

  2. I found the washing-machine bit to be rather implausible. Given how hard it was to do laundry in pre-industrial times, I highly doubt the women would object to an easier way to do it. If anything, they’d be fighting over who got to use it first!

What do you think?