1. Great post, Robert! I really like the way you explain your ideas of salvation. I’ve heard others talk about salvation being something future, but that didn’t quite square with the idea of our having a new nature and the Holy Spirit. Obviously something HAS occurred now. If not salvation, then what?

    Peter says we have been “born again . . . to obtain an inheritance” (1 Peter 1:4) and that we are are “protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:5–emphasis mine).

    This is consistent with your point, that what we have now is a guarantee. Definitely food for thought.

    At any rate, I also love your conclusion–the idea that we are to work to the end is a good admonition and certainly consistent with other scripture passages.

    BTW, I continue to be excited about the things I see in Christian speculative fiction–God-honoring stories, more of them, new voices, wider variety, more for young adults. Yes, it might seem slow, but God’s timetable can be trusted. Who are we to say it would have been better sooner or that it’s even now too late or not enough?


  2. Lex Keating says:

    Many, many moons ago, an example was taught at a summer camp I attended that has stuck with me for years. It wasn’t on this passage, but it relates, and I’ve since used this analogy in a lot of different parts of my spiritual journey. The example was about being a house. The first big question is always “Who owns the property?” Which is important, certainly. But once we “hand over the keys” to Jesus, He doesn’t leave the property alone. When He takes possession, He cleans house. He won’t be satisfied with how the property looks from the road. If He’s going to live here, He needs to clean the whole place from cellar to garret, main rooms to closets and crawl spaces. For me, “working out my salvation” has always been a part of unlocking every last closet door and obediently throwing out all the accumulated trash of sin. The ownership of the house isn’t in question any more, but a property that belongs to God should contain nothing but that which belongs to Him. (Ephesians 4:20-24) Out with the old!
    For fiction, I also think this means we have to examine where we keep our favorite books. Are they on display in a glass cabinet in the front room? Or are they stashed under dirty laundry in the back bedroom closet? Have concepts in a favorite book changed how I run my “house?” Is God trying to get rid of a favorite book, and I keep sneaking it back inside? Have I set it on a shrine in the one room whose key I refuse to relinquish?

  3. Becky,
    I agree that things seem to be on the upswing for Christian spec-fiction, so that’s excellent.  I think Jeff Gerke’s Marcher Lord Press has been a big part of that … showing that it can not only survive, but it can thrive! And all the other publishers, including my own, seem to have really gotten the concept that youth love this kind of fiction.  It is truly a doorway into their hearts.
    I really like your illustration and it reminds me of the pamphlet “Our Heart Christ’s Home” … really good stuff that can help each of us walk closer with the Lord.  One thing I’ve thought about a lot (in regards to your favorite books analogy) is how we treat our Bibles.  Muslims are often shocked by Christians who set their Bibles on the floor, throw them around ,etc… Western culture has mostly lost their veneration of God’s word, and that’s a shame.  Thanks for sharing, that is great food for thought.

  4. […] his guest post on this blog last Friday, Robert Treskellard related how the Lord used Christian speculative […]

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