1. Galadriel says:

    I recently read Arthur Clarke’s Childhood’s End, and noticed a tendency for “ascending into higher states,” becoming beings of consciousness alone.  In more recent scifi–such as Doctor Who, this trait is much more commonly seen in villeins.  It’d be interesting to see how this relates to contemporary culture.

    • This reminds me of an old TV commercial when I was a kid. It was promoting, I think, the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness or some such a thing, and it involved a head in a box that spoke and interacted with people but had no body, therefore requiring someone or something to carry it from place to place. The message being, of course, that exercise was important for the body as much as education was necessary for the mind. But of course that’s not what you were talking about — just reminiscing.
      The idea of “developing” into beings of consciousness alone is kind of intriguing. If God didn’t intend us to have physical bodies, He wouldn’t have given them to us; and as Stephen pointed out earlier this spring, even when we’re through with our earthly bodies, God will give us resurrected ones. Moreover, spirit beings that never were human can sometimes take on visible form as well. Beings as pure energy, or however this is perceived as happening, don’t strike me as something that God would likely approve of. Maybe that’s why on Dr. Who, they’re villains.

    • Kessie says:

      Almost every hard sci fi I’ve ever read had the humans achieve godhood at the end. Wasn’t that the oldest lie? Do this and you will become like God? I get tired of reading the same old ending all the time, frankly. Are there any sci fi endings where humanity don’t become gods? 

  2. Diana says:

    Artists portray the world as they see it. Because creation is so intensely personal, the result reflects the artist as much as it does the realities of his world.

    I love that. LOVE that. I just want to frame it and put it up on my wall to remind myself why I write.

What do you think?