1. Lisa says:

    Good post! It is always good to stretch oneself as a writer. I’m interested in reading your Middle Ages book, as historical fiction is one of my favourite genres. My book is a historical fantasy fiction, which produced challenges all its own, but definitely a worthwhile endeavour. Trying out different genres is a great way to grow, often I do that in short stories, as there is less time invested in that than writing a book!

    • Mark Carver says:

      That’s a really good idea! I’ve done the same with short stories before but I never thought of it as a way to test strange waters without making a huge commitment.

  2. No one climbs a treacherous mountain and reaches the top, then looks dosafety-580x580wn and says, “Well that was a waste of time.” Heh. I did. Well, not exactly that. I said, “I did it! And now I don’t ever need to do it again.” And I haven’t.
    Good article.

  3. EricH says:

    The best book I ever read, John Buchan’s “Sick Heart River,” was not only outside my comfort zone, it wasn’t even speculative.

    It was set during 1940 (when it was written) and was about a Scottish politician who discovers he has less than a year to live and is asked (by someone who is unaware of the man’s illness) to lead a search party into the wilds of Canada on a rescue mission. Buchan himself died within 3 days after he finished writing it.

    I know of very few stories that have affected me as much as this one has.

What do you think?