1. Kessie says:

    Oh wow. I’m the same way–grew up reading secular stuff because there was just nothing available in the Christian bookstore (or CBD catalog). Trying to remedy that now, though! Lots of great Christian stuff coming along now.
    Kind of like how Amy Grant and Petra blazed the trail for Burlap to Cashmere and the three bands DC Talk has become. 🙂

    • Galadriel says:

      I just checked out 19-some books from the library. Only one is Christian—Ted Dekker’s Forbidden. The rest are primarily Neil Gaiman, with two Edward Eager (imitator of Edith Nesbit) and a few miscellaneous.  Part of it is that I can check out Christian authors more easily elsewhere, but it’s also a matter of not knowing where to look for similar Christian authors–anything similar to Neil Gaiman’s Sandman by Christians? Don’t think so.

  2. Whereas I was the exact opposite — surviving on Christian-approved and overall great storytelling influenced by speculative elements, such as Adventures in Odyssey. All hail the now-clearly-TARDIS-inspired Imagination Station! Now it’s even more fun finding the original sources for some of those ideas. Yet I remain fond of Peretti and yes, even the Left Behind series, which to me were the “trailblazers.” I wouldn’t be here now (on Spec-Faith, that is) if not for them. To me they were the ones who opened new worlds.

    • Galadriel says:

      My theory is that Whit is a Time Lord.  So are Eugene and Connie, which explains why they never age.

      • T.K. Wilson says:

        I know nothing about Dr. Who, but that’s funny Galadriel!

      • Kirsty says:

        Now that makes sense!
        Although, Eugene has aged a bit – he seems to be in his late 20s now, but he started as a student. Btw, did you know the actor who plays him is in his 60s – the wonders of radio!

    • Kessie says:

      Did you ever read Lee Roddy’s juvie fiction series, like the one about the mysteries set in Hawaii? I think I still own every single one of them. I adored Lee Roddy. But eventually our Christian bookstore stopped carrying him. I was amazed to find his entire book list on Wikipedia. It’s impressive. (He teaches writing workshops now.)
      I grew up listening to Odyssey, too. But after Hal Smith died and the original writers and producers moved on to greener pastures, it just wasn’t the same. I pretty much stopped listening to it after the Doomsday series where Dr. Blackgaard takes over the whole town with Whit’s End as his goal. To me, that was the End.

  3. I find this is true in the field of music as well. Such diversity, I love it. Excellent post! Thank you.

  4. Good post.
    My favorite authors are in the general market, too. I think it’s just that there are so many more over there–many of them Christians–so there’s more of a chance of connecting. Though I do love some authors in the Christian market, they are fewer and farther between.

  5. Galadriel says:

    I had an experience today that might fall under this. I was scrolling through Tumblr when someone posted the following quote:

     When I was your age, I used to think “Oh, when I’m grown up, I’ll know what I want, I’ll be sorted.” But you never really know what you want. You never feel grown up, not really. You never sort it all out –Sarah Jane Adventures

    When I read that, I just had this deep sense of satisfaction and peace, like… “I needed to hear that.” It ministered to me in a way that a Scripture verse might at another time.

  6. D.M. Dutcher says:

    I read both equally, but even early on I enjoyed Christian spec fiction. It’s just rarer, and the general market is heavily slanted towards certain types of readers so there’s less to branch out from. I’m not keen on historical fiction, and the thrillers and mysteries often seemed to be targeted more towards women than men. But many Christian books number with secular ones for my favorites.

    But when it’s bad, man it’s bad. I grew up with Gospel Bill and Fire by Nite. I think we would have killed for something like Adventures in Odyssey.

    • Ah, I remember “Gospel Bill,” though it was in reruns by the time I saw it. I don’t think they meant it to be much more than silly fun with End-Moments Morals.

      The worst parts were when the “prosperity gospel” crept in. I recall when Gospel Bill and Elmer Barnes were trapped in a building about to explode, and Gospel Bill insisted that though he didn’t know how, they were going to get out of this, claiming the promise of “there shall no evil befall you.”

      Still, at least that’s somewhat closer to Biblical truth — closer than the same crew’s kids’ game show some years later. That show once featured a skit in which a Christian auto mechanic, demonstrating dominion over creation, ordered a computer-generated buzzing wasp out of his auto-repair shop with the words, “In the name of Jesus, I command you to depart this place.” I am not making this kids’-show skit up.

  7. Kirsty says:

    I read mostly non-christian fiction; always have. Partly, I guess, because there is not much British christian fiction, so reading only Christian fiction was never an option. You got one Christian book per year as a Sunday School prize (probably by Patricia St John, who was an excellent Christian author), and that was more or less it. The American ones hadn’t come over here yet, though I doubt they’d have appealed to me – it’s a very different culture.

What do you think?