1. Pam Halter says:

    This is such a great idea, Zach! I’m going to have to use #5 in the very near future, as my best friend is moving across the country the end of March. 🙁

    I have a couple useful quotes to add to your list:

    #18 All shall love me and despair. Galadriel
    #19 I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you! Samwise

    Sam’s quote needs no explanation. But perhaps we writers could use Galadriel’s when our novels come out. heh, heh, heh …

  2. LM Burchfiel says:

    What other quotes can we take out of context to seem sophisticated?

    “It would be the last unicorn that came to Molly Grue.” (Actually, quite a bit of The Last Unicorn)
    “The spice must flow.”
    “And so it goes.”

What do you think?