1. Galadriel says:

    I would be willing to do so.

  2. Kessie says:

    Well hey, why not? I have a weak opening scene that could use some shoring up. 🙂

  3. Cool, send them in when you’re ready. But if we have more than five we may have to spread this out over several days or not post everyone’s entry. We’ll see what the response is.



  4. ACK! I just reread my post and realized I said the first five, so now if it’s to be anonymous we probably shouldn’t give away who is or isn’t going to send something in.



  5. Morgan Busse says:

    This sounds like a great idea. It was interesting to read what people voted on over on your post, Becky.

  6. Keeny says:

    Kessie, count me in as well.

What do you think?