1. Hmm, very interesting… Usually when I write, I have to know the beginning, the main points in the middle, and the end. Its during laundry, dishes, or cleaning that I begin to connect the dots. So maybe my story elements are inductive lol.

  2. I was thinking along the same lines as Morgan. I suppose, in some ways, that’s what the quote says too. From unconnected to connected. From starting point to ending point.

    I don’t think it’s easy though—not if it’s to be rendered believable and realistic. No, not easy at all!


  3. I don’t think it’s easy though—not if it’s to be rendered believable and realistic. No, not easy at all!

    I think that’s it, Becky, with the brief addition that a “dashed ingenious yarn” that actually includes character development and garners a reader’s emotional investment is much more difficult to write. Buchan’s character, here, seems only to be talking about purely plot-driven books whose sole function is to be a “shocker” that gives quick “thrills.”

  4. Royce says:

    Some of my favorite authors seem to use said method of writing. P.G. Wodehouse, Kenneth Robeson, and even some of the better written Doctor Who storylines start out with several seemingly unconnected things, which tie together by the end of the story. “Believable” is not what I would necessarily use as a standard as to whether the story is good or not. Carrol’s Through the Looking Glass is not believable, but no one would say it is badly written. I seem to agree with Steven that, when this writing method is applied for the sake of a quick thrill, it is “cheap.”

  5. Esther says:

    >Its during laundry, dishes, or cleaning that I begin to connect the dots. <

    I don't write fiction: and you're GLAD. But when I have a problem to figure out, laundry, dishes and cleaning are what I do to give my mind the space to parse it. I might not even be deliberately thinking about the problem or situation, but somewhere in the back of it, little gears are cranking, and when I come back to the problem, progress has been made.

    It's nice to know I'm not crazy, and other people do this, too.

  6. Kaci says:

    I was watching “24” for awhile (actually, it was early on when I watched the first three seasons back-to-back on DVD while watching the fourth in progress), and some friends got into a discussion on whether or not it was getting ‘predictable.’ I said, “Depends on how you define it.”

    So my guy friend brought the recorded episode (VHS) over to watch, and I teased him about it. I said, “Okay, I’ll call what’s going to happen in one episode.”

    I called it five times. Then I said, “But remember, I’ve immersed myself in this thing. I know how the writers think, the actors behave, and the characters tick. I know the story world and its rules. After three seasons, I better have a pretty good idea of what to expect or I’m a poor audience.”

    It’s the same with novels. If I read multiple books by one author, I know what to expect from that author. There may be five options for one particular scenario, but because it’s THAT author and THAT character and THAT situation, I can rule out at least three.

    Anyway, that’s a long way of saying yes, I think – at least to an extent. While particulars might surprise even the writer, you don’t want to completely jar the reader, either. It may look cool to have Jane jump off the roof, but if Jane is scared of heights, she’s not going up, much less down, without significant motivation. Even if she’s not, she might jump off a 12 foot roof, but never a 40 foot roof. At least, not if she’s sane.

    It doesn’t take way the writer’s skill. In some ways it adds to it.

What do you think?