1. I really enjoyed this, especially the last section. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Literaturelady says:

    I’d never considered using food as a means to restore my characters! Thanks for sharing some of your techniques! They have now inspired me to use music, food, color, etc. in various ways in my own stories. 🙂

  3. I agree, Donita. You’ve shown how powerfully setting elements can help with characterization. I love it!


  4. Thanks for the feedback. I noticed music more this week as I went the rounds getting cleared for my hip replacement on March 8th. The stress test had the best music. I got to choose and I chose praise music. That offset any stress I felt. One waiting room had 70s music playing and the wait was not so bad. I suppose that could go either way. If 70s music is irritating to you then the wait would seem interminable.

What do you think?