1. notleia says:

    I’m not sure how much of Coco’s view of that afterlife is kosher even among the folk Catholicism where Day of the Dead took hold (I’m mixing my metaphors but whatever). I don’t know enough about Mexican-flavored Catholicism (or its syncretisms like Santeria) to know if they have any definite opinions about it or whether this was some Pixar creative license (which at least they used well: if you’re gonna do it, do it with style) to create the story and its stakes.

    Also Frida Kahlo 5evar

    • Travis Perry says:

      The belief that the dead only live on if remembered by the living is an indigenous Aztec idea (also in other Native American religions in Mexico) as I understand things. Catholicism has incorporated the practice of the Day of the Dead by kinda merging it will All Saints Day, but really their is no doctrinal position in Mexican Catholicism supporting the remembrance of the dead–and what happens to them if you don’t remember them. All of that was believed in Mexico before Catholicism came around.

  2. I think they were more worried about making it fun than anything else.

    This is something I notice with nearly any show that has death or traveling to the afterlife, though. It’s far harder to create death and pain, so they often have to include some level of those things to make the story fun, even if the ‘death’ is just a matter of the spirit ceasing to exist.

What do you think?