1. Fred Warren says:

    Fasting is definitive in prayer and worship. It demonstrates devotion to a specific end, a kind of focus. It’s a particular way of saying “I’m giving up this thing because I want more of this other thing.”

    This is an important point, and one I’m seeing more often this year in conversations about Lent. There’s a balance to fasting in which the void left by abstaining from the non-essential thing needs to be filled with something essential to spiritual health and growth. Most often, it’s prayer, but it can also translate to time spent ministering to others or applying the resources that would have been spent on ourselves for the food, drink, or whatever to those in need. 

    Likewise, a “writing fast” might involve setting my own projects aside to focus on helping other people with manuscript review and editing, etc.   

  2. Michelle says:

    I just wrote on the history of lent, and some thoughts on it two weeks ago. It’s funny to see it here. I think lent is on the mind of a lot of folks do to the season. One of the most interesting things I found about fasting (any fasting) is that the Orthodox Church calls fasting without prayer as the fast of demons.  Why? Because the demons don’t eat and neither do they pray. I was very convicted.   I enjoyed your thoughts very much on this. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Good post, Kaci. I’m seeing more and more emphasis on prayer on the Internet, on the radio, in my own church. It’s encouraging! I think it’s always good for us to think about what can enhance our spiritual lives. And for writers, it’s always good to think about what can help us to grow in that arena. Thanks for this.


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