1. Dawn says:

    I have no idea how to answer this question. I PREFER Christian speculative fiction, but I also read mainstream and small publishers. I usually find them by someone (a blog, this blog, etc.) mentioning it or the suggestion feature on Amazon.

    • Dawn, you have demonstrated why it’s so important for us to write reviews and make recommendations! And I’ll be honest, I don’t intentionally read Christian speculative fiction exclusively. I like reading in other genres from time to time, and if someone recommends a general market book, I have no problem reading those if I have confidence in the person who recommended it. I don’t just grab anything some random person suggests, but if it’s from a trusted source, then yes, that helps me decide.


  2. Thanks for sharing the poll results Rebecca. I was curious how it would pan out (I felt kind of an ‘all of the above’ reader). It reminds me of a commitment though: I told myself that if I asked for reviews and engagement from my readers, I have to, HAVE TO, reciprocate and do the same for others. So that means taking the time to go to BookBub, and Amazon, and Goodreads, and leave feedback. And try to mention it on social media. And support other authors when they launch. I shouldn’t expect help if I’m not willing to help myself. [Break – I’m fully behind an unconditional love approach too!]

    • Excellent points, Travis. I think we believers may have been slow to come to this realization. We are much stronger in our ability to get the word out about good Christian storytelling if we do it together.


  3. Interesting results. I think we need a site that would help bring to light some of the best books that are coming out. Thank you for helping to do that! As I mentioned on the Realm Makers Consortium, I sell my books at homeschool conventions and I can tell you, there is a hunger from both students and parents for exciting sci-fi/fantasy books that have Christian themes woven into them. We just need to connect the readers to the books!

    • Jill says:

      I had a conversation with someone else about this the other day. Homeschoolers love spec fic, but their parents are often picky about language and content. This is a great niche market for Christian spec fic writers.

  4. Jill says:

    Most sci fi books I buy these days are by indie authors (small press or self-pub). I just like what I find there. A lot of them are Christian authors who are telling interesting stories that aren’t overtly Christian.

  5. I almost selected spec fic by small presses, but then realized that TV and movies was an option. In order to be honest, I had to select that one, because if I look at the amount of time spent (or the number of stories ingested) then TV and movies wins out.

    If your real goal was to discover where people get the spec fic they are READING, I’d leave that TV/movies option off the poll next time.

    Also, it’s complicated. Just because I read more small presses doesn’t mean that my favorite spec fic books reside there. Most of my favorites are put out by traditional publishers. I read more small presses, though, because I am motivated to read what my friends are writing, even if it’s not as good a match for my tastes (otherwise, how would I know whether or not I like it?).

    By doing this, I have found a few indie authors who match my reading tastes very well, but most of them don’t quite hit the target for me.

What do you think?