2. Sparksofember says:

    I wrote an essay back in the late 90s about the shift in perspective in SF movies like The Day The Earth Stood Still to Independence Day and so on – to me it seemed less like technological fear than arrogance in our capabilities increasing. But I love you bringing in Christianity and science at the end. Too many think that science is actively against God whereas I believe He delights in us learning and understanding His creation.

  3. Paul Lee says:

    Also, there’s the postmodernist angle. Baudrillard taught that we’re living in a meaningless simulation of recycled ideas that have no reference to their original concepts, and he was pretty much right. Earth is completely mapped and known, and Modernist know-it-all academia pretty much claims to know the essential truth of all past human history and pre-history, as well as the cosmology of the universe. As Baudrillard put it, the map is bigger than the territory. We’re just commenting on what is already known and has already been said many times over. We can only rediscover old connections. We can’t forge into truly new territory.

    That’s why the allure of space travel is so strong, but I suppose the Modernistic/postmodern mindset pre-emptively precludes the experience of majesty or transcendence when considering the truly unknown.

    I read a short story by Philip K. Dick where the angst caused by the lack of other civilizations or inhabitable worlds in the universe caused the far-future society to tear itself apart. First, they started making miniature “universe globes” in which they started miniature big bangs and watched entire galaxies with planets and civilizations rise and fall, and when that too got boring they started just smashing the globes to destroy what they had created. I forget the title, but it was spot on! All we can do is create virtual worlds, and when that too becomes meaningless, our creations just get more dark and cynical and violent.

What do you think?